Household composition

Adult Lifelines participants were asked the various regarding their household composition (section: Demographics).
Note that some of these questions overlap with the subsection of family composition.
Also note that some of the questions were asked in the context of additional assessments: 1) ACTQ, 2) during the 2020 Corona crisis (COVQ) and 3) MHDQ.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment
what is your marital status? wat is uw burgerlijke staat? maritalstatus_current_adu_q_1 DEMO7 1A Proxy 1B COVQ 24, 26, 28
specification of other marital status: / what is your marital status? anders, nl. / wat is uw burgelijke staat? maritalstatus_current_adu_q_1_a DEMO7B 1A Proxy 1B COVQ 26, 28
do you have a partner now? hebt u nu een partner? partner_presence_adu_q_1 DEMO7C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A 3B ACTQ BIGQ NEXT COVQ 24
specification other: / do you have a partner now? specificatie anders, nl. / hebt u nu een partner? partner_presence_adu_q_1_a DEMO7XTXT 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A 3B ACTQ BIGQ
how long have you been in your current relationship? (xx years) wat is de duur van uw huidige relatie? (xx jaar) relationship_duration_adu_q_1 DEMO8 1A Proxy 1B 1C 2A 3B
What is your partner's gender? Wat is het geslacht van uw partner? partner_gender_adu_q_1 DEMO8A 1A Proxy 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B
did you ever divorce? bent u ooit gescheiden? divorce_presence_adu_q_1 DEMO9 1A 1B 1C 3A 3B
Who are living in your house? (more than half the time) Wie wonen er bij uw thuis? (meer dan de helft van de tijd)
My partner Mijn partner inhouse_partner_adu_q_1 DEMO12A1 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT
My father Mijn vader inhouse_father_adu_q_1 DEMO12A2 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT
My mother Mijn moeder inhouse_mother_adu_q_1 DEMO12A3 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT
My children Mijn kinderen inhouse_children_adu_q_1 DEMO12A4 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT
My father's or mother's partner/girlfriend/boyfriend (stepfather or stepmother) Partner/vriend(in) van mijn vader of moeder (stiefvader of stiefmoeder) inhouse_partnerparent_adu_q_1 DEMO12A5 1A 2A 3A 3B
Brother(s) and/or sister(s) (or half-brothers, stepbrothers, half-sisters, stepsisters) Broer(s) en/ of zus(sen) (of halfbroers, stiefbroers, halfzussen, stiefzussen) inhouse_siblings_adu_q_1 DEMO12A6 1A 2A 3A 3B
Other adults (e.g. uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, friends, acquaintances) Andere volwassenen (bijv. oom, tante, opa, oma, vrienden, kennissen) inhouse_adults_adu_q_1 DEMO12A7 1A 2A 3A 3B
I live alone Ik woon alleen inhouse_alone_adu_q_1 DEMO12A8 1A 2A 3A 3B
Specification others Specificatie anderen inhouse_other_adu_q_1_a DEMO12A9 1A 2A 3A
Children of my partner that are not my own (stepchildren) Kinderen van mijn partner maar niet van mij (stiefkinderen) inhouse_stepchildren_adu_q_1_v1/2 DEMO12A10 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT
How many people are living in your house, yourself included? Please note: we refer to the house where you live most days of the week. Hoeveel personen wonen er bij u thuis, u zelf meegerekend? Let op: bedoeld wordt waar u de meeste dagen van de week woont. inhouse_number_adu_q_1 DEMO12B 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A NEXT 3B
Which individuals do you currently live with (for at least half of the time)? Met welke personen woont u momenteel samen (voor minimaal de helft van de tijd)? inhouse_persons_adu_q_1 OVERGANG28 MAWQ
Do you have one or more household members? Hebt u één of meerdere huisgenoten? covtxx_household_adu_q_1 COVID14 COVQ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15b, 16, 16b, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29
Has the amount of household members or the composition of your household changed since the last time that we asked you about your household composition? Sinds de vorige keer dat wij u gevraagd hebben hoeveel huisgenoten u hebt, is het aantal huisgenoten of de samenstelling van uw huishouden gewijzigd? covtxx_household_adu_q_2 COVID14_1 COVQ 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29
How many members of your household are between 0-12 years of age? Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 0-12 jaar? covtxx_household_adu_q_1_a COVID14A / -1 COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29
How many household members are between 13-18 years of age? Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 13-18 jaar? covtxx_household_adu_q_1_b COVID14B / -1 COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29
How many household members are between 18/19-30 years of age? Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 18/19-30 jaar? covtxx_household_adu_q_1_c COVID14C / -1 / -2 COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29
How many household members are between 30/31-59/60 years of age? Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 30/31-59/60 jaar? covtxx_household_adu_q_1_d COVID14D / -1 / -2 COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29
How many household members are older than 60 years of age? Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd ouder dan 60 jaar? covtxx_household_adu_q_1_e COVID14E COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29
Do you have a (foster)child or (foster)children? Hebt u een (pleeg)kind of (pleeg)kinderen? covtxx_children_fam_q_3 COVID15A8 COVQ 19, 23

Variables in MHDQ

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
did you live with both of your biological parents during your entire childhood, up through age 16? woonde u (ten minste de helft van de tijd) bij uw beide biologische ouders gedurende uw gehele jeugd, tot en met 16 jaar? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_a dend23 MHDQ 18+
for how many years did you live with your biological mother? hoeveel jaren woonde u (ten minste de helft van de tijd) bij uw biologische moeder? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_a1 dend24 MHDQ 18+
for how many years did you live with your biological father? hoeveel jaren woonde u (ten minste de helft van de tijd) bij uw biologische vader? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_a2 dend25 MHDQ 18+
did you ever live with a step parent? hebt u ooit bij een stiefouder gewoond? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_b dend26 MHDQ 18+
did you ever live in the same household with a grandparent for more than a year before age 17? hebt u voordat u 17 werd, ooit meer dan een jaar samen met een grootouder in een huis gewoond? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_c dend27 MHDQ 18+
sometimes family members may have difficulty getting along with one another. they don't always agree and they may get angry. in general, how would you rate your family's ability to get along with one another? soms hebben familieleden moeite om met elkaar overweg te kunnen. ze zijn het niet altijd met elkaar eens en er kan onenigheid ontstaan. over het algemeen, hoe goed vindt u dat uw familieleden met elkaar overweg kunnen? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_d dend28 MHDQ 18+
at what age did you move out from your parents house? op welke leeftijd bent u op uzelf gaan wonen? inhouse_childhood_adu_q_1_e dend29 MHDQ 18+