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Smoking and tobacco use

Participants were asked whether they (had) smoked any tobacco (section: lifestyle & environment). The raw data from 1A was used to calculate various derivate scores, including pack years. Additionally updated derivate scores are available which include more time points.
Note that variables assessing the smoking behavior of adult female participants during pregnancy are listed here.
Secondhand smoking was also assessed, both overall and during pregnancy.
Nicotine dependence was assessed using the FTND.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
have you ever smoked for a full year? hebt u ooit gedurende een volledig jaar gerookt? smoking_fullyear_adu_q_1 smk1 1A proxy* 2A NEXT 18+
how old were you when you started smoking? (xx years) hoe oud was u toen u begon te roken? (xx jaar) smoking_startage_adu_q_1 smk2 1A proxy* 2A NEXT 18+
do you smoke now, or have you smoked in the past month? rookt u nu, of hebt u de afgelopen maand nog gerookt? smoking_current_adu_q_1 smk3 1A proxy* 1B 1C 2A 2B NEXT ACTQ 18+
number of cigarettes and/or roll-ups a day / how much do you smoke on average now? aantal sigaretten en/of shagjes per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? cigarettes_frequency_adu_q_1 smk4a 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
i smoke, but fewer than 1 a day / how much do you smoke now, on average? (cigarettes and/or roll-ups) ik rook wel, maar minder dan 1 per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? (sigaretten en/of shagjes) cigarettes_frequency_adu_q_1_a smk4a1 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 18+
do you smoke cigarettes or roll-ups? rookt u sigaretten/shagjes? cigarettes_smoking_adu_q_1 smk4a2 1B 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
number of cigarillos a day / how much do you smoke on average now? aantal cigarillo's per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? cigarillos_frequency_adu_q_1 smk4b 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
i smoke, but fewer than 1 a day / how much do you smoke now, on average? (cigarillos) ik rook wel, maar minder dan 1 per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? (cigarillo's) cigarillos_frequency_adu_q_1_a smk4b1 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 18+
do you smoke cigarillos? rookt u cigarillos? cigarillos_smoking_adu_q_1 smk4b2 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
number of cigars a day / how much do you smoke on average now? aantal sigaren per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? cigars_frequency_adu_q_1 smk4c 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
i smoke, but fewer than 1 a day / how much do you smoke now, on average? (cigars) ik rook wel, maar minder dan 1 per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? (sigaren) cigars_frequency_adu_q_1_a smk4c1 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 18+
do you smoke cigars? rookt u sigaren? cigars_smoking_adu_q_1 smk4c2 1B 1C 2A 2B BIOQ NEXT 18+
pipe tobacco in grams a day / how much do you smoke on average now? pijptabak in gram per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? pipetobacco_frequency_adu_q_1 smk4d 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
i smoke, but fewer than 1 a day / how much do you smoke now, on average? (pipe tobacco in grams) ik rook wel, maar minder dan 1 per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? (pijptabak in gram) pipetobacco_frequency_adu_q_1_a smk4d1 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 18+
do you smoke a pipe? rookt u pijp? pipetobacco_smoking_adu_q_1 smk4d2 1B 1C 2A 2B DEPQ DEAQ NEXT 18+
average number of times an e-cigarette is used per day / how much do you currently smoke on average? aantal keer gebruik van een elektronische sigaret per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? ecigarettes_frequency_adu_q_1 smk4e 2B DEPQ DEAQ 18+
i smoke, but use the electronic cigarette less than once a day / how much do you currently smoke on average? ik rook wel, maar gebruik de elektronische sigaret minder dan 1 keer per dag / hoeveel rookt u momenteel gemiddeld? ecigarettes_frequency_adu_q_1_a smk4e1 2B 18+
do you smoke an electronic cigarette? rookt u elektronische sigaret? ecigarettes_smoking_adu_q_1 smk4e2 2B DEPQ DEAQ 18+
have you stopped smoking? bent u nu gestopt met roken? smoking_stopped_adu_q_1 smk5 1A proxy* NEXT 18+
if you no longer smoke, how old were you when you stopped smoking? (xx years) indien u nu niet meer rookt, hoe oud was u toen u stopte met roken? (xx jaar) smoking_endage_adu_q_1 smk6 1A proxy* 2A NEXT 18+
start age 1-8 (xx) / how much have you smoked up until now? beginleeftijd 1-8 (xx) / hoeveel hebt u gerookt tot nu toe? smoking_startage_adu_q_1_01-08 smk7a-h1 1A NEXT 18+
end age 1-8 (xx) / how much have you smoked up until now? eindleeftijd 1-8 (xx) / hoeveel hebt u gerookt tot nu toe? smoking_endage_adu_q_1_01-08 smk7a-h2 1A NEXT 18+
amount per day 1-8 (xx) / how much have you smoked up until now? aantal per dag 1-8 (xx) / hoeveel hebt u gerookt tot nu toe? smoking_frequency_adu_q_1_01-08 smk7a-h3 1A NEXT 18+
type of tobacco 1-8 / how much have you smoked up until now? soort rookwaar 1-8 / hoeveel hebt u gerookt tot nu toe? smoking_type_adu_q_1_01-08 smk7a-h4 1A NEXT 18+
do you inhale or have you inhaled while smoking? inhaleert u of inhaleerde u tijdens het roken? smoking_inhale_adu_q_1 smk8 1A 18+
Do you smoke tobacco? Rookt u tabak? SMK16 ADHQ 18+
Have you smoked in the past 7/14 days? Hebt u de afgelopen 7 dagen gerookt? COVID43 COVQ 18+
Do you smoke? Rookt u? smoking_current_adu_q_2 OVERGANG17 MAWQ 40-67
have you ever smoked cigarettes or roll-ups, even if that was only one cigarette or a couple of puffs? heb je wel eens sigaretten of shagjes gerookt, ook al was dat maar 1 sigaret of een paar trekjes? cigarettes_lifetime_ach_q_1 achsmk6 1A 2A 13-17
on a day that you smoke, how many cigarettes/roll-ups do you smoke? op een dag dat je rookt, hoeveel sigaretten of shagjes rook je dan? cigarettes_perday_ach_q_1 achsmk7 1A 2A 13-17
i smoke 1 or more cigarettes: / on a day that you smoke, how many cigarettes or roll-ups do you smoke? ik rook 1 of meerdere sigaretten, namelijk: / op een dag dat je rookt, hoeveel sigaretten of shagjes rook je dan? cigarettes_perday_ach_q_2 achsmk7a 1A 2A 13-17
how many cigarettes or roll-ups, on average, did you smoke during the past four weeks? hoeveel sigaretten of shagjes heb je gemiddeld gerookt in de afgelopen 4 weken? cigarettes_pastmonth_ach_q_1 achsmk8 1A 2A 13-17
how old were you when you smoked your first cigarette? hoe oud was je toen je voor het eerst een sigaret rookte? cigarettes_startage_ach_q_1 achsmk9 1A 2A 13-17
if you smoke or have smoked on a daily basis, how old were you when you first started smoking on a daily basis? indien je dagelijks rookt of gerookt hebt, hoe oud was je toen je voor het eerst dagelijks rookte? smoking_startage_ach_q_1 achsmk10 1A 2A 13-17
if you smoke or have smoked on a daily basis, how old were you when you first started smoking on a daily basis? indien je dagelijks rookt of gerookt hebt, hoe oud was je toen je voor het eerst dagelijks rookte? smoking_startage_ach_q_2 achsmk10a 1A 2A 13-17
age (years) / if you smoke or have smoked on a daily basis, how old were you when you first started smoking on a daily basis? xx jaar / indien je dagelijks rookt of gerookt hebt, hoe oud was je toen je voor het eerst dagelijks rookte? smoking_startage_ach_q_1_a achsmk10txt 1A 2A 13-17
if you have stopped smoking, how old were you when you stopped smoking? indien je gestopt bent met roken, hoe oud was je toen je stopte met roken smoking_endage_ach_q_1 achsmk11 1A 2A 13-17
xx years old / how old were you when you stopped smoking? xx jaar/ hoe oud was je toen je stopte met roken? smoking_endage_ach_q_1_a achsmk11a 1A 2A 13-17
Do you smoke tobacco? Rook je tabak? achsmk16 ADHQ 13-17
has your child smoked on a daily basis? heeft uw kind zelf dagelijks gerookt? smoking_regular_chi_q_1 chsmk2 1A 4-17
how old was your child when it started smoking every day? hoe oud was uw kind toen het dagelijks begon te roken? smoking_startage_chi_q_1 chsmk3 1A 4-17
how many cigarettes does/did your smoke every day on average? hoeveel sigaretten rookt/rookte uw kind gemiddeld per dag? smoking_frequency_chi_q_1 chsmk4 1A 4-17
does your child still smoke? rookt uw kind nu nog steeds? smoking_current_chi_q_1 chsmk5 1A 4-17
how old was your child when it stopped smoking? / does your child still smoke? hoe oud was uw kind toen hij/zij stopte met roken? / rookt uw kind nu nog steeds? smoking_endage_chi_q_1 chsmk5a 1A 4-17

* Proxy variables can be found in 1A

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smoking_tobacco_use.1674738963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/26 14:16 by simone