Table of Contents

2A Questionnaire 1

Adult and elderly Lifelines participants participating in the second general assessment 2A received two questionnaires, 2A Questionnaire 1 and 2A Questionnaire 2.
2A Q1 was followed by 2A Visit 1 after, on average, 34 days (SD: ± 43 days).
2A Q1 was also followed by 2A Questionnaire 2 after, on average, 54 days (SD: ± 49 days).
2A Q1 is procedurally equivalent to 1A Questionnaire 1 and 3A Questionnaire 1.
The average time between 1A Questionnaire 1 and 2A Q1 was 46 months (SD: ± 14 months).

Of all participants that filled out 2A Q1 (n = ~100,000), 36% of participants filled in a paper variant whereas 64% filled in a digital variant.

2A Q1 contained the following sections and subsections:


Diseases & symptoms


Lifestyle & Environment

Medical Treatment

Mental Health


NB: The three FFQ petals (1/2/3) were distributed over three questionnaires (1B, 1C and 2A Q1), so that each participant received the petals in one of six possible orders ([1-2-3], [1-3-2], [2-1-3], [2-3-1], [3-1-2], or [3-2-1]).

Physical State

Wellbeing & Subjective health