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Lifelines participants were asked the following questions about their experiences with cancer (section: Diseases & symptoms).
Note that it is possible to link Lifelines data to PALGA and IKNL cancer registries.
Some statistics on the self-reported prevalence and incidence of cancer in the Lifelines cohort can be found here.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Do you have cancer or have you had cancer? Hebt u kanker of hebt u kanker gehad? cancer_lifetime_adu_q_1 HEALTH16A 1A NEXT 18+
What type of cancer? Wat voor kanker? cancer_type_adu_q_1 HEALTH16B 1A NEXT 18+
How old were you when you got cancer? Hoe oud was u toen u voor het eerst kanker kreeg? cancer_startage_adu_q_1 HEALTH16C 1A 18+
Were you cured from cancer? / Do you have cancer or have you had cancer? Bent u genezen verklaard?/ Hebt u kanker of hebt u kanker gehad? cancer_cured_adu_q_1 HEALTH16D 1A proxy 18+
Cancer / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? Kanker / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? cancer_presence_adu_q_2 HEALTH16A[P] Proxy 18+
Cancer since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? Kanker sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? cancer_presence_adu_q_2_a HEALTH_16YR Proxy 18+
Type of cancer: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? Vorm van kanker: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? cancer_type_adu_q_2 HEALTH16B[P] Proxy 18+
Did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the LifeLines questionnaire? Hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregen sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde?
Cancer Kanker cancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B 18+
Cancer type: Soort kanker: cancertype_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C1 1B 1C 18+
Colon cancer Darmkanker coloncancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C2 2A 3A 3B 18+
Lung cancer Longkanker lungcancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C3 2A 3A 3B 18+
Skin cancer Huidkanker skincancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C4 2A 3A 3B 18+
Brain tumour Hersentumor braintumour_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C5 2A 3A 3B 18+
Bone cancer Botkanker bonecancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C6 2A 3A 3B 18+
Breast cancer Borstkanker breastcancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C7 1C 2A 3A 3B 18+
Prostate cancer Prostaatkanker prostatecancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C8 2A 3A 3B 18+
Other type of cancer: Andere vorm van kanker nl: othercancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C9 2A 3A 18+
Have you ever received a diagnosis of skin cancer? Hebt u ooit de diagnose huidkanker gekregen? skincancer_diagnosis_adu_q_1 DERM005 3A 18+
Do you know which type of skin cancer you had? Weet u welk type huidkanker u hebt gehad? / Hebt u ooit de diagnose huidkanker gekregen? skincancer_type_adu_q_1 DERM005A 3A 18+
Have you participated in the population screening for cervical cancer (smear test)? Hebt u deelgenomen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek baarmoederhalskanker (uitstrijkje)? screentest_cervicalcancer_adu_q_1 PREV14 3A 18+
What was the result of your last screentest for cervical cancer? Wat was het resultaat van uw laatste bevolkingsonderzoek naar baarmoederhalskanker? screentest_cervicalcancer_adu_q_1_a PREV14A 3A 18+
Have you participated in the population screening for breast cancer? Hebt u deelgenomen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek borstkanker? screentest_breastcancer_adu_q_1 PREV15 3A 18+
What was the result of your last screentest for breast cancer? Wat was het resultaat van het onderzoek naar borstkanker? screentest_breastcancer_adu_q_1_a PREV15A 3A 18+
Have you participated in the population screening for colon cancer? Hebt u deelgenomen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek darmkanker? screentest_coloncancer_adu_q_1 PREV16 3A 18+
What was the result of your last screentest for colon cancer? Wat was het resultaat van het onderzoek naar darmkanker? screentest_coloncancer_adu_q_1_a PREV16A 3A 18+
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cancer.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 15:08 by trynke