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Participants were asked the following questions regarding diabetes (section: Diseases & symptoms).
Diabetes was also assessed with fasting glucose levels and Hba1c concentrations in blood samples.
Note that some of the results were summarized in a cohort factsheet on diabetes.

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Do you have diabetes mellitus? Hebt u diabetes mellitus (suikerziekte)? HEALTH17A 1A NEXT 18+
If you have diabetes, what type of diabetes do you have? Welk type diabetes hebt u? HEALTH17B 1A NEXT 18+
If you have diabetes, what type of diabetes do you have? Another type of diabetes: Andere vorm, nl:/ Welk type diabetes hebt u? HEALTH17B2 1A NEXT 18+
If you have diabetes, how old were you when you got diabetes? Hoe oud was u toen u diabetes kreeg? HEALTH17C 1A 18+
If you have diabetes, how are you being treated? Hoe wordt u behandeld?/ Hebt u diabetes mellitus (suikerziekte)? HEALTH17D 1A 18+
Since what year do you have diabetes? Sinds welk jaartal diabetes HEALTH_17YR 1A 18+
Did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the LifeLines questionnaire? Hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde?
Diabetes Diabetes (suikerziekte) HEALTH100A 1B 1C 2A 18+
Type 1 diabetes (juvenile diabetes, starting in childhood) Diabetes type 1 (jeugddiabetes, van jongs af aan) HEALTH100A1 2A 18+
Type 2 diabetes (adult-onset diabetes, starting later in life) Diabetes type 2 (ouderdomsdiabetes, op latere leeftijd ontstaan) HEALTH100A2 2A 18+
Gestational diabetes (during pregnancy) Zwangerschapsdiabetes HEALTH100A3 2A 18+
Did your child suffer from diabetes when it was between 6m and 3 / 4 and 7 / 8 and 12 years old? Heeft uw kind suikerziekte gehad in de leeftijd van 6 m t/m 3 / 4 t/m 7 / 8 t/m 12 jaar? CH6M_3/4_7/8_12YHEALTH28 1A 4-17
Did your child suffer from diabetes from the age of 6m / 4y /8y / 13y until the present? Heeft uw kind suikerziekte gehad in de leeftijd van 6m / 4j / 8j / 13j t/m nu? CH4/8/13YHEALTH28 1A 4-17
Diabetes / Did your child receive medical treatment for this when it was between 6m and 3 / 4 and 7 / 8 and 12 years old? Suikerziekte / Is uw kind hiervoor behandeld door een dokter in de leeftijd van 6 m t/m 3 / 4 t/m 7 / 8 t/m 12 jaar? CH6M_3/4_7/8_12YHEALTH28A 1A 4-17
Diabetes / Did your child receive medical treatment for this from the age of 4y / 8y / 13y until the present? Suikerziekte / Is uw kind hiervoor behandeld door een dokter in de leeftijd van 4j / 8j / 13j t/m nu? CH4/8/13YHEALTH28A 1A 4-17
Diabetes / Did your child use any medication for this when it was between 6m and 3 / 4 and 7 / 8 and 12 years old? Suikerziekte / Gebruikte uw kind hiervoor medicijnen in de leeftijd van 6 m t/m 3 / 4 t/m 7 / 8 t/m 12 jaar? CH6M_3/4_7/8_12YHEALTH28B 1A 4-17
Diabetes / Did your child use any medication for this from the age of 4y / 8y / 13y until the present? Suikerziekte / Gebruikte uw kind hiervoor medicijnen in de leeftijd van 4j / 8j / 13j t/m nu? CH4/8/13YHEALTH28B 1A 4-17
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diabetes.1567169357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/07 16:07 (external edit)