Questions English | Questions Dutch | [covtxx_] | Variable | COVQ |
Did you get a flu shot in the past year? | Hebt u het afgelopen jaar een griepprik gehad? | flushot_adu_q_1 | COVID18 | 1, 2 |
Are you planning on getting the flushot this year, or have you already received it? | Bent u van plan de griepprik dit jaar te halen of heeft u de griepprik al gehad? | flushot_adu_q_2 | COVID122 | 15, 23, 29 |
Have you ever been vaccinated against tuberculosis? (BCG) | Bent u ooit ingeënt tegen tuberculose? (BCG) | tuberculosis_adu_q_1_a | COVID19A | 1, 2 |
What year were you vaccinated against tuberculosis (give an estimate if you are not sure)? | In welk jaar bent u ingeënt tegen tuberculose? (geef een schatting als u dit niet exact weet) | tuberculosis_adu_q_1_b | COVID19B | 1, 2 |
Were you vaccinated according to the Dutch national immunisation programme as a child? | Bent u als kind gevaccineerd volgens het rijksvaccinatie programma? | vaccinchild_adu_q_1 | COVID65 | 8 |
Have you received this vaccination as a child? | Heeft u deze vaccinatie als kind ontvangen? | | | |
Diphtheria | Difterie | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_a | COVID65A | 8 |
DKT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) | DKT (difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_b | COVID65B | 8 |
DKTP (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis) | DKTP (difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus, polio) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_c | COVID65C | 8 |
HiB (heamophilus influenzae type b) | HiB (heamophilus influenzae type b) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_d | COVID65D | 8 |
DKTP-HiB | DKTP-HiB | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_e | COVID65E | 8 |
DKTP-HiB-HepB | DKTP-HiB-HepB | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_f | COVID65F | 8 |
DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis) | DTP (difterie, tetanus, polio) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_g | COVID65G | 8 |
Smallpox | Pokken | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_h | COVID65H | 8 |
Rubella | Rode hond | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_i | COVID65J | 8 |
Measles | Mazelen | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_j | COVID65K | 8 |
BMR (mumps, measles, rubella) | BMR (bof, mazelen, rode hond) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_k | COVID65L | 8 |
MenC (meningococcal C) | MenC (meningokokken C) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_l | COVID65M | 8 |
PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) | PCV (Pneumokokken) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_m | COVID65I | 8 |
HPV (human papillomavirus) | HPV (humaan papillomavirus) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_n | COVID65N | 8 |
VZV (Varicella zoster virus) | VZV (tegen waterpokken en gordelroos) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_o | COVID65O | 8 |
BCG (Tuberculosis) | BCG (tuberculose) | vaccinchild_adu_q_1_p | COVID65P | 8 |
Have you received this vaccination as an adult? | Heeft u deze vaccinatie als volwassene ontvangen? | | | |
Pertussis / | Kinkhoest | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_a | COVID66A | 8 |
Tetanus | Tetanus | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_b | COVID66B | 8 |
VZV (Varicella zoster virus) | VZV (tegen waterpokken en gordelroos) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_c | COVID66C | 8 |
Flu shot (influenza) | Griepprik (influenza) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_d | COVID66D | 8 |
HepA (hepatitis A) | HepA (hepatitis A) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_e | COVID66E | 8 |
HepB (hepatitis B) | HepB (hepatitis B) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_f | COVID66F | 8 |
DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis) | DTP (difterie, tetanus, polio) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_g | COVID66G | 8 |
BMR (mumps, measles, rubella) | BMR (bof, mazelen, rode hond) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_h | COVID66H | 8 |
Typhoid fever | Buiktyfus | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_i | COVID66I | 8 |
Yellow fever | Gele koorts | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_j | COVID66J | 8 |
Rabies | Rabies | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_k | COVID66K | 8 |
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) | Teken encefalitis (FSME) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_l | COVID66L | 8 |
Japanese encephalitis | Japanse encefalitis | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_m | COVID66M | 8 |
MenC (meningococcal C) | MenC (meningokokken C) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_n | COVID66N | 8 |
MenACWY (meningococcal ACWY) | MenACWY (meningokokken ACWY) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_o | COVID66O | 8 |
BCG (Tuberculosis) | BCG (tuberculose) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_p | COVID66P | 8 |
In what year did you last receive this vaccination as an adult? | In welk jaar hebt u deze vaccinatie als volwassene voor het laatst ontvangen? | | | |
Pertussis | Kinkhoest | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_a1 | COVID66A1 | 8 |
Tetanus | Tetanus | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_b1 | COVID66B1 | 8 |
VZV (Varicella zoster virus) | VZV (tegen waterpokken en gordelroos) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_c1 | COVID66C1 | 8 |
Flu shot (influenza) | Griepprik (influenza) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_d1 | COVID66D1 | 8 |
HepA (hepatitis A) | HepA (hepatitis A) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_e1 | COVID66E1 | 8 |
HepB (hepatitis B) | HepB (hepatitis B) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_f1 | COVID66F1 | 8 |
DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis) | DTP (difterie, tetanus, polio) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_g1 | COVID66G1 | 8 |
BMR (mumps, measles, rubella) | BMR (bof, mazelen, rode hond) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_h1 | COVID66H1 | 8 |
Typhoid fever | Buiktyfus | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_i1 | COVID66I1 | 8 |
Yellow fever | Gele koorts | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_j1 | COVID66J1 | 8 |
Rabies | Rabies | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_k1 | COVID66K1 | 8 |
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) | Teken encefalitis (FSME) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_l1 | COVID66L1 | 8 |
Japanese encephalitis | Japanse encefalitis | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_m1 | COVID66M1 | 8 |
MenC (meningococcal C) | MenC (meningokokken C) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_n1 | COVID66N1 | 8 |
MenACWY (meningococcal ACWY) | MenACWY (meningokokken ACWY) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_o1 | COVID66O1 | 8 |
BCG (Tuberculosis) | BCG (tuberculose) | vaccinadult_adu_q_1_p1 | COVID66P1 | 8 |