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Assessment 1A

Assessment 1A or “Baseline Assessment” is the first general assessment of Lifelines.
Assessment 1A was performed between 2007 and 2013, with the majority of participants being assessed between 2010 and 2013.
Assessment 1A was followed by follow-up questionnaires 1B and 1C, and by second assessment 2A.

For all participants (except very young children), assessment 1A consisted of the following elements:

For adult and elderly participants, this assessment also consisted of the following elements:

1A Questionnaire 1 (click here for detailed list of subsections)

1A Questionnaire 2 (click here for detailed list of subsections)

Participants' exposure to noise and air pollution at baseline were determined via linkage with environmental resources based on postal code 6 of their home address at the time.

Note that children followed their own programme for general assessment 1A.

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1a.1575886730.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/09 11:18 by trynke