
Environmental Exposure (linkage)

Various institutes collect data about environmental characteristics (noise, air quality, facilities, earthquakes) of certain geolocations, for example based on x/y-coordinates.
The home address postal codes of adult participants (at the moment of their baseline assessment) were transformed to x/y-coordinates, enabling the linkage of environmental data to individual participants.


Lifelines is currently a member of the Geoscience and health cohort consortium (GECCO) which aims to facilitate the scientific analysis of linked environmental databases and health cohorts in the Netherlands (sections: lifestyle & environment and secondary & linked variables).
A selection of GECCO datasets is already linked to Lifelines participants and can be requested through the Lifelines catalogue. Additional datasets can be acquired from GECCO and linked to Lifelines participants on request. Either way, permission from GECCO should always be requested for the use of this data.


Air pollution parameters black carbon, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and particulate matter are obtained from the Elapse Project (spatial resolution = 100m x 100m) and are based on satellite data from 2010 and chemical transport modelling.
See de Hoogh et al. (2016) for more details (pdf).

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environmental_exposure_linkage.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/14 08:44 by laura