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Sleep (general)

Adult Lifelines participants were asked several questions regarding sleeping patterns, problems, and habits (section: lifestyle & environment).
Note that sleep was also assessed within Lifelines using the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, and participants were asked whether they suffered from insomnia.
Also note that certain subcohorts of participants answered more detailed questions on their sleeping behavior in the additional questionnaires on ADHD and blue light exposure.

Participants in the general cohort were asked the following questions:

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
on average how many hours do you sleep per full day (24 hours)? hoeveel tijd (xx uren) slaapt u gemiddeld per etmaal? sleeping_timespending_adu_q_1 TIJDSB4A 1A 18+
on average how many minutes do you sleep per full day (24 hours)? hoeveel tijd (xx minuten) slaapt u gemiddeld per etmaal? sleeping_timespending_adu_q_1_a TIJDSB4B 1A 18+
in the morning (from getting up until noon) / what is the chance that you will fall asleep? (in the past month) s morgens (vanaf opstaan tot 12:00 uur) / hoe groot is de kans dat u in slaap valt? (betrekking op de afgelopen maand) sleep_morning_adu_q_1 SLEEP12A 1C 18+
in the afternoon (from noon until 18:00h) / what is the chance that you will fall asleep? (in the past month) s middags (van 12:00 tot 18:00 uur) / hoe groot is de kans dat u in slaap valt? (betrekking op de afgelopen maand) sleep_afternoon_adu_q_1 SLEEP12B 1C 18+
in the evening (from 18:00h until going to bed) / what is the chance that you will fall asleep? (in the past month) s avonds (van 18:00 uur tot slapen gaan) / hoe groot is de kans dat u in slaap valt? (betrekking op de afgelopen maand) sleep_evening_adu_q_1 SLEEP12C 1C 18+
falling asleep / I have trouble with: In slaap komen / Ik heb problemen met: sleepproblems_evening_adu_q_1 SLEEP13A ADHQ 18+
waking up at night / I have trouble with: 's Nachts wakker worden / Ik heb problemen met: sleepproblems_night_adu_q_1 SLEEP13B ADHQ 18+
waking up tired / I have trouble with: Onuitgerust wakker worden / Ik heb problemen met: sleepproblems_morning_adu_q_2 SLEEP13C ADHQ 18+
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sleep_general.1670427647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/07 16:40 by laura