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Occupational History

The following questions were asked regarding the professional history (up to 20 previous jobs) of adult Lifelines participants (section: Demographics). These self-reports are not released due to the risk of identification), but the ISCO-coded versions are available.
Note that Lifelines also assessed the employment status and current profession of participants, as well as several aspects of wellbeing at work.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Have you had a paid job in the past? Deed u in het verleden betaald werk? employment_stopped_adu_q_1_a WORK2B2 1A 1B 1C
Name of the position (1-20) Naam van de functie (1-20)/ Beroep position_name_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T 1A 18+
Position started in year (1-20) Start jaartal functie (1-20) position_startyear_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T1 1A 18+
Position ended in year (1-20) Eind jaartal functie (1-20) position_endyear_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T2 1A 18+
Position started at age (1-20) Start leeftijd functie (1-20) position_startage_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T3 1A 18+
Position ended at age (1-20) Eind leeftijd functie (1-20) position_endage_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T4 1A 18+
On average how many hours per week do/did you work? (1-20) Hoeveel uur per week werkt(e) u gemiddeld? (1-20) position_hours_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T5 1A 18+
For what type of company or institute do/did you work? (e.g. municipality, metal industry, nursing home, construction company, shop, etc.) (1-20) Bij wat voor soort bedrijf of instelling werkt(e) u? (bv. Gemeente, metaalbewerking, verpleeghuis, bouwbedrijf, winkel etc.) (1-20) position_companytype_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T6 1A 18+
What is/was the name of the company or institute? (1-20) Wat is/was de naam van het bedrijf of instelling (1-20) position_companyname_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T7 1A 18+
In what city is/was this company or institute located? (1-20) In welke plaats is/was dit bedrijf of deze instelling gevestigd (1-20) position_location_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T8 1A 18+
What are/were your main tasks and activities? (1-20) Wat zijn/waren uw belangrijkste taken en werkzaamheden? (1-20) position_tasks_adu_q_1_01-20 WORK13A-T9 1A 18+
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occupational_history.1599833741.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/11 16:15 by trynke