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Lifestyle adjustments

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Do you have cancer or have you had cancer? Hebt u kanker of hebt u kanker gehad? cancer_lifetime_adu_q_1 HEALTH16A 1A NEXT 18+
What type of cancer? Wat voor kanker? cancer_type_adu_q_1 HEALTH16B 1A NEXT 18+
How old were you when you got cancer? Hoe oud was u toen u voor het eerst kanker kreeg? cancer_startage_adu_q_1 HEALTH16C 1A 18+
Were you cured from cancer? / Do you have cancer or have you had cancer? Bent u genezen verklaard?/ Hebt u kanker of hebt u kanker gehad? cancer_cured_adu_q_1 HEALTH16D 1A proxy 18+
Cancer / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? Kanker / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? cancer_presence_adu_q_2 HEALTH16A[P] Proxy 18+
Cancer since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? Kanker sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? cancer_presence_adu_q_2_a HEALTH_16YR Proxy 18+
Type of cancer: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? Vorm van kanker: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? cancer_type_adu_q_2 HEALTH16B[P] Proxy 18+
Did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the LifeLines questionnaire? Hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde?
Cancer Kanker cancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C 1B 1C 2A 3A 18+
Cancer type: Soort kanker: cancertype_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C1 1B 1C 18+
Colon cancer Darmkanker coloncancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C2 2A 3A 18+
Lung cancer Longkanker lungcancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C3 2A 3A 18+
Skin cancer Huidkanker skincancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C4 2A 3A 18+
Brain tumour Hersentumor braintumour_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C5 2A 3A 18+
Bone cancer Botkanker bonecancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C6 2A 3A 18+
Breast cancer Borstkanker breastcancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C7 1C 2A 3A 18+
Prostate cancer Prostaatkanker prostatecancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C8 2A 3A 18+
Other type of cancer: Andere vorm van kanker nl: othercancer_followup_adu_q_1 HEALTH100C9 2A 3A 18+
Have you ever received a diagnosis of skin cancer? Hebt u ooit de diagnose huidkanker gekregen? skincancer_diagnosis_adu_q_1 DERM005 3A 18+
Do you know which type of skin cancer you had? Weet u welk type huidkanker u hebt gehad? / Hebt u ooit de diagnose huidkanker gekregen? skincancer_type_adu_q_1 DERM005A 3A 18+
Have you participated in the population screening for cervical cancer (smear test)? Hebt u deelgenomen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek baarmoederhalskanker (uitstrijkje)? screentest_cervicalcancer_adu_q_1 PREV14 3A 18+
What was the result of your last screentest for cervical cancer? Wat was het resultaat van uw laatste bevolkingsonderzoek naar baarmoederhalskanker? screentest_cervicalcancer_adu_q_1_a PREV14A 3A 18+
Have you participated in the population screening for breast cancer? Hebt u deelgenomen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek borstkanker? screentest_breastcancer_adu_q_1 PREV15 3A 18+
What was the result of your last screentest for breast cancer? Wat was het resultaat van het onderzoek naar borstkanker? screentest_breastcancer_adu_q_1_a PREV15A 3A 18+
Have you participated in the population screening for colon cancer? Hebt u deelgenomen aan het bevolkingsonderzoek darmkanker? screentest_coloncancer_adu_q_1 PREV16 3A 18+
What was the result of your last screentest for colon cancer? Wat was het resultaat van het onderzoek naar darmkanker? screentest_coloncancer_adu_q_1_a PREV16A 3A 18+

A large subcohort of adult female participants answered more detailed questions on this topic in the context of an additional questionnaire on women's reproductive health (ROAQ).

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lifestyle_adjustments.1603359185.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/22 11:33 by trynke