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Adult Lifelines participants were asked various questions about their educational attainment (section: Demographics).
The questions and answers were based on the Dutch school system. For broader use of the data, self-reported educational attainment was coded into “high”, “middle” and “low” according to international standards.
For the additional COVQ questionnaires, participants' experiences with home-schooling were assessed.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
What is the highest level of education you have finished? Wat is uw hoogst voltooide opleiding? degree_highest_adu_q_1 EDUCATION 1A Proxy 2A 2B 3A 3B DEPQ DEAQ BIGQCOVQ 22 18+
Specification other / What is the highest level of education you have finished? Specificatie anders / Wat is uw hoogst voltooide opleiding? degree_highest_adu_q_1_a EDUCOTHER 1A Proxy 2A 2B 3A DEPQ DEAQ BIGQ COVQ 22 18+
Educational attainment (coded, based on EDUCATION and EDUCOTHER) Opleidingsniveau (gecodeerd) educational_attainment_adu_c_1 EA 1A 2A 18+
what is the highest level of education your biological father has attained? Wat is de hoogst voltooide opleiding van uw biologische vader? degree_father_fam_q_1 EDUCBIOFATH 3A 18+
what is the highest level of education your biological mother has attained? Wat is de hoogst voltooide opleiding van uw biologische moeder? degree_mother_fam_q_1 EDUCBIOMOTH 3A 18+

For the additional COVQ questionnaires, participants' experiences with home-schooling were assessed.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Do you have grandchild(ren)? Hebt u kleinkind(eren)? grandchildren_adu_q_1 COVID206 COVQ 18 18+
On how many days per week on average did you care for your grandchild(ren) before the start of the corona crisis? Op hoeveel dagen per week zorgde u, voordat de coronacrisis begon, gemiddeld voor uw kleinkind(eren)? grandchildren_adu_q_1_a COVID207A COVQ 18 18+
On how many days per week on average did you care for your grandchild(ren) during the closure of schools and daycare? Op hoeveel dagen per week zorgde u, tijdens het sluiten van de scholen en kinderopvang, gemiddeld voor uw kleinkind(eren)? grandchildren_adu_q_1_b COVID207B COVQ 18 18+
Have you or your partner taken (partial) time off work to care for your (foster)child(ren) during the closure of schools and/or daycare? Hebt u of uw partner (deels) vrijgenomen om voor uw (pleeg)kind(eren) te zorgen door de sluiting van de scholen en/of kinderdagverblijf? homeschool_adu_q_1_a COVID208 COVQ 18 18+
Have you home-schooled your (foster)child(ren) when the schools and daycare were closed? Hebt u, toen de scholen en kinderopvang dicht waren, uw (pleeg)kind(eren) thuis onderwijs gegeven? homeschool_adu_q_1_b COVID209 COVQ 18 18+
(Primary school) / In which group or class is/are your (foster)child(ren) enrolled? (Basisschool) / In welke groep/klas zit(ten) uw (pleeg)kind(eren)? homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8 COVID210 COVQ 18 18+
On average, how many times per week did your (foster)child(ren) go to the emergency daycare? (group 0-8) Hoe vaak ging(en) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) gemiddeld per week naar de noodopvang? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8a COVID210A-H1 COVQ 18 18+
On average, how many times per week did your (foster)child(ren) go to school for regular education? (group 0-8) Hoe vaak ging(en) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) gemiddeld per week naar school voor regulier onderwijs? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8b COVID210A-H2 COVQ 18 18+
I understood the teaching material that I had to explain (group 0-8) Ik begreep de lesstof die ik moest uitleggen (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8c COVID210A-H3 COVQ 18 18+
I was well able to explain the teaching material (group 0-8) Ik kon de lesstof goed uitleggen (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8d COVID210A-H4 COVQ 18 18+
Did you sometimes get frustrated while home schooling? (group 0-8) Raakte u wel eens gefrustreerd tijdens het geven van thuisonderwijs? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8e COVID210A-H5 COVQ 18 18+
Did your (foster)child(ren) have the digital means that were necessary to follow online lessons available at the moment that they needed it? (group 0-8) Had(den) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) beschikking over de digitale middelen die nodig waren om online onderwijs te volgen op het moment dat hij/zij dit nodig had(den)? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8f COVID210A-H6 COVQ 18 18+
Did you have sufficient materials needed for teaching (books, craft materials, paper, writing materials etc.)? (group 0-8) Had u voldoende materialen in huis om de lesstof te behandelen (boeken, knutselspullen, papier, schijfmateriaal, etc.)? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8g COVID210A-H7 COVQ 18 18+
How do you rate the implementation of home schooling by the school? (group 0-8) Hoe beoordeelt u de invulling van het thuisonderwijs door de school? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8h COVID210A-H8 COVQ 18 18+
How did your (foster)child(ren) experience home schooling? (group 0-8) Hoe heeft/hebben uw (pleeg)kind(eren) het thuisonderwijs ervaren? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8i COVID210A-H9 COVQ 18 18+
On average, how many times per week did your (foster)child(ren) have contact with their teacher? (group 0-8) Hoe vaak had(den) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) gemiddeld per week contact met school/leerkracht? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8j COVID210A-H10 COVQ 18 18+
How well could your (foster)child(ren) concentrate during home schooling? (group 0-8) Hoe goed kon(den) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) zich concentreren tijdens het thuisonderwijs? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8k COVID210A-H11 COVQ 18 18+
Do you expect that your (foster)child(ren) will lag behind in their education due to the school closure? (group 0-8) Verwacht u dat uw (pleeg)kind(eren) een leerachterstand heeft/hebben opgelopen door de schoolsluiting? (groep 0-8) homeschool_adu_q_1_c1-8l COVID210A-H12 COVQ 18 18+
(Secondary school) / In which group or class is/are your (foster)child(ren) enrolled? (Voortgezet onderwijs) / In welke groep/klas zit(ten) uw (pleeg)kind(eren)? homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6 COVID210 COVQ 18 18+
On average, how many times per week did your (foster)child(ren) go to the emergency daycare? (class 1-6) Hoe vaak ging(en) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) gemiddeld per week naar de noodopvang? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6a COVID210I-N1 COVQ 18 18+
I understood the teaching material that I had to explain (class 1-6) Ik begreep de lesstof die ik moest uitleggen (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6b COVID210I-N2 COVQ 18 18+
I was well able to explain the teaching material (class 1-6) Ik kon de lesstof goed uitleggen (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6c COVID210I-N3 COVQ 18 18+
Did you sometimes get frustrated while home schooling? (class 1-6) Raakte u wel eens gefrustreerd tijdens het geven van thuisonderwijs? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6d COVID210I-N4 COVQ 18 18+
Did your (foster)child(ren) have the digital means that were necessary to follow online lessons available at the moment that they needed it? (class 1-6) Had(den) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) beschikking over de digitale middelen die nodig waren om online onderwijs te volgen op het moment dat hij/zij dit nodig had(den)? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6e COVID210I-N5 COVQ 18 18+
Did you have sufficient materials needed for teaching (books, craft materials, paper, writing materials etc.)? (class 1) Had u voldoende materialen in huis om de lesstof te behandelen (boeken, knutselspullen, papier, schijfmateriaal, etc.)? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6f COVID210I-N6 COVQ 18 18+
How do you rate the implementation of home schooling by the school? (class 1-6) Hoe beoordeelt u de invulling van het thuisonderwijs door de school? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6g COVID210I-N7 COVQ 18 18+
How did your (foster)child(ren) experience home schooling? (class 1-6) Hoe heeft/hebben uw (pleeg)kind(eren) het thuisonderwijs ervaren? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6h COVID210I-N8 COVQ 18 18+
On average, how many times per week did your (foster)child(ren) have contact with their teacher? (class 1-6) Hoe vaak had(den) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) gemiddeld per week contact met school/leerkracht? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6i COVID210I-N9 COVQ 18 18+
How well could your (foster)child(ren) concentrate during home schooling? (class 1-6) Hoe goed kon(den) uw (pleeg)kind(eren) zich concentreren tijdens het thuisonderwijs? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6j COVID210I-N10 COVQ 18 18+
How much supervision did you have to provide to your (foster)child(ren) compared to when the schools were open? (class 1-6) Hoeveel begeleiding moest u uw (pleeg)kinderen geven in vergelijking met toen de scholen open waren? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6k COVID210I-N11 COVQ 18 18+
Do you expect that your (foster)child(ren) will lag behind in their education due to the school closure? (class 1-6) Verwacht u dat uw (pleeg)kind(eren) een leerachterstand heeft/hebben opgelopen door de schoolsluiting? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6l COVID210I-N12 COVQ 18 18+
At which level do(es) your (foster)child(ren) follow an education? (class 1-6) Op welk niveau volgt/volgen uw (pleeg)kind(eren) onderwijs? (klas 1-6) homeschool_adu_q_1_d1-6la-f COVID210I-N13 COVQ 18 18+
I was well capable to teach my (foster)child(ren) at home Ik ben goed in staat geweest om mijn (pleeg)kind(eren) thuis les te geven homeschool_adu_q_1_f COVID211A COVQ 18 18+
my (foster)child(ren) has/have learned something by being home schooled Mijn (pleeg)kind(eren) heeft/hebben iets geleerd door het thuisonderwijs homeschool_adu_q_1_g COVID211B COVQ 18 18+
I was well able to switch between my role as a parent and my role as a teacher Ik kon goed schakelen tussen mijn rol als ouder en mijn rol als leerkracht homeschool_adu_q_1_h COVID211C COVQ 18 18+
I was well able to switch between my role as a teacher for my different (foster)children Ik kon goed schakelen tussen mijn rol als leerkracht voor mijn verschillende (pleeg)kinderen homeschool_adu_q_1_i COVID211D COVQ 18 18+
as a parent I received sufficient support from the school/teacher Ik kreeg als ouder voldoende ondersteuning van de school/leerkracht homeschool_adu_q_1_j COVID211E COVQ 18 18+
my (foster)child(ren) received sufficient support from the school/teacher Mijn (pleeg)kind(eren) kreeg/kregen voldoende ondersteuning van de school/leerkracht homeschool_adu_q_1_k COVID211F COVQ 18 18+
I myself have learned new things by supporting my (foster)child(ren) Ik heb zelf nieuwe dingen geleerd door het ondersteunen van mijn (pleeg)kind(eren) homeschool_adu_q_1_l COVID211G COVQ 18 18+
Did your (foster)child(ren) play with other child(ren) outside the family? Speelde uw (pleeg)kind(eren) met andere kind(eren) buiten het eigen gezin? homeschool_adu_q_1_m COVID212 COVQ 18 18+
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education.1678355166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 10:46 by simone