The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a widely used caregiver report form identifying problem behavior in children (section: Children & adolescents). It is used in both research and clinical practice with youths. It has been translated into more than 90 languages, including Dutch, and normative data are available integrating information from multiple societies.
Because a core set of the items have been included in every version of the CBCL since the 1980s, it provides a meter stick for measuring whether amounts of behavior problems have changed over time or across societies. This is a helpful complement to other approaches for looking at rates of mental-health issues, as the definitions of disorders have changed repeatedly over the same time frame.
Within Lifelines, a slightly revised version of the 2001 designated CBCL6/18 has been used for children between 8-17 years old at assessment 1A, and for children between 4-12 years old at assessment 2A and 3A
Parts of the CBCL were also used in an additional questionnaire on ADHD, in children between 4-17 years old.
In all cases, parents answered the question for their children. Note that Lifelines has also implemented the self-report version of the CBCL for older children (13-17 years old): the Youth Self Report (YSR).
Label English | Label Dutch | Code | Variable | Assessment | Age |
to what extent does this description apply to your child now or in the past 6 months? | in welke mate is deze beschrijving van toepassing op uw kind zoals hij/zij nu is of in de afgelopen 6 maanden is geweest? | ||||
is acting too young for its age | doet te jong voor zijn/haar leeftijd | cbcl_tooyoung_chi_q_01 | cbcl1 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
drinks alcohol without parents' permission | drinkt alcohol zonder dat zijn/haar ouders dat goed vinden | cbcl_alcohol_chi_q_02_v1 | cbcl2 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description (drinks alcohol without parents' permission) | omschrijving (drinkt alcohol zonder dat zijn/haar ouders dat goed vinden) | cbcl_alcohol_chi_q_02_a | cbcl2txt | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
quarrels a lot | maakt veel ruzie | cbcl_quarrelsome_chi_q_03_v1 | cbcl3 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
does not finish what it started | maakt dingen waar hij/zij aan begint niet af | cbcl_finishing_chi_q_04_v1/v2 | cbcl4/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
there are not many things it likes | er is heel weinig wat hij/zij leuk vindt | cbcl_hobbies_chi_q_05 | cbcl5 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
defecates outside the toilet or in pants | doet ontlasting (poept) buiten de wc of in de broek | cbcl_defecation_chi_q_06 | cbcl6 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
boasts, acts tough | schept op, doet stoer | cbcl_boasting_chi_q_07 | cbcl7 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is unable to concentrate, has a short attention span | kan zich niet concentreren, kan niet lang de aandacht ergens bij houden | cbcl_concentration_chi_q_08_v1/2 | cbcl8/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
cannot let go of certain thoughts, obsessions | kan bepaalde gedachten niet uit zijn/haar hoofd zetten, obsessies | cbcl_obsessive_chi_q_09 | cbcl9 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (cannot let go of certain thoughts, obsessions) | omschrijving (kan bepaalde gedachten niet uit zijn/haar hoofd zetten, obsessies) | cbcl_obsessive_chi_q_09_a | cbcl9txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
cannot sit still, is restless or hyperactive | kan niet stilzitten, is onrustig of hyperactief | cbcl_restless_chi_q_10 | cbcl10 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
clings to adults or is too dependent | klampt zich vast aan volwassenen of is te afhankelijk | cbcl_dependence_chi_q_11 | cbcl11 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
complains about feeling lonely | klaagt over zich eenzaam voelen | cbcl_lonely_chi_q_12 | cbcl12 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is confused or muddled thinking | is in de war of wazig denken | cbcl_confused_chi_q_13_v1/2 | cbcl13/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
cries a lot | huilt veel | cbcl_crying_chi_q_14 | cbcl14 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is cruel to animals | is wreed tegen dieren | cbcl_cruelty_chi_q_15_v1/2 | cbcl15/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is cruel or mean to others, or bullies others | is wreed, pesterig of gemeen tegen anderen | cbcl_bully_chi_q_16_v1/2 | cbcl16/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
daydreams or is lost in thought | dagdroomt of gaat op in zijn/haar gedachten | cbcl_daydreams_chi_q_17_v1/2 | cbcl17/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
self-harms, or tries to commit suicide | verwondt zich opzettelijk of doet zelfmoordpogingen | cbcl_suicidal_chi_q_18_v1/2 | cbcl18/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
demands a lot of attention | eist veel aandacht op | cbcl_attentionseeking_chi_q_19 | cbcl19 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
destroys its own belongings | vernielt eigen spullen | cbcl_destructive_chi_q_20 | cbcl20 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
destroys belongings of family members or other people | vernielt spullen van gezinsleden of van anderen | cbcl_destructive_chi_q_21 | cbcl21 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is disobedient at home | is thuis ongehoorzaam | cbcl_disobedient_chi_q_22 | cbcl22 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is disobedient at school | is ongehoorzaam op school | cbcl_disobedient_chi_q_23 | cbcl23 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
does not eat well | eet niet goed | cbcl_appetite_chi_q_24 | cbcl24 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
does not get along with other boys or girls | kan niet opschieten met andere jongens of meisjes | cbcl_getalong_chi_q_25 | cbcl25 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
does not appear to feel guilty after misbehaving | lijkt zich niet schuldig te voelen na zich misdragen te hebben | cbcl_guilty_chi_q_26 | cbcl26 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is easily jealous | is snel jaloers | cbcl_jealous_chi_q_27_v1/2 | cbcl27/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
does not follow the rules at home, at school or elsewhere | houdt zich niet aan de regels thuis, op school of ergens anders | cbcl_rulebreaking_chi_q_28 | cbcl28 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is afraid of certain animals, situations or locations other than school | is bang voor bepaalde dieren, situaties of plaatsen, anders dan school | cbcl_afraid_chi_q_29 | cbcl29 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description (is afraid of certain animals, situations or locations, other than school) | omschrijving (is bang voor bepaalde dieren, situaties of plaatsen, anders dan school) | cbcl_afraid_chi_q_29_a | cbcl29txt | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is afraid to go to school | is bang om naar school te gaan | cbcl_afraid_chi_q_30 | cbcl30 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is afraid it will do something wrong or think wrong thoughts | is bang dat hij/zij iets slechts zou kunnen doen of denken | cbcl_afraid_chi_q_31 | cbcl31 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
feels it has to be perfect | heeft het gevoel dat hij/zij perfect moet zijn | cbcl_perfectionist_chi_q_32 | cbcl32 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
feels or complains that nobody loves it | heeft het gevoel of klaagt erover dat niemand van hem/haar houdt | cbcl_unloved_chi_q_33 | cbcl33 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
feels that others want to trick it | heeft het gevoel dat anderen hem/haar te pakken willen nemen | cbcl_suspicious_chi_q_34 | cbcl34 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
feels useless or inferior | voelt zich waardeloos of minderwaardig | cbcl_inferior_chi_q_35 | cbcl35 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
gets hurt a lot, has frequent accidents | bezeert zich vaak, krijgt vaak ongelukken | cbcl_accidents_chi_q_36 | cbcl36 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
gets into fights a lot | vecht veel | cbcl_fights_chi_q_37 | cbcl37 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is bullied a lot | wordt veel gepest | cbcl_bullyvictim_chi_q_38 | cbcl38 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
keeps company with boys or girls who get into trouble | gaat om met jongens of meisjes die in moeilijkheden raken | cbcl_friends_chi_q_39 | cbcl39 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
hears sounds or voices that aren't there | hoort geluiden of stemmen die er niet zijn | cbcl_voices_chi_q_40 | cbcl40 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description (hears noises or voices that aren't there) | omschrijving (hoort geluiden of stemmen die er niet zijn) | cbcl_voices_chi_q_40_a | cbcl40txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is impulsive or acts without thinking | impulsief of doet dingen zonder er bij na te denken | cbcl_impulsive_chi_q_41 | cbcl41 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
prefers to be alone over interacting with others | is liever alleen dan met anderen | cbcl_withdrawn_chi_q_42 | cbcl42 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
lies or cheats | liegt of bedriegt | cbcl_lying_chi_q_43 | cbcl43 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
bites its nails | bijt nagels | cbcl_nailbiting_chi_q_44 | cbcl44 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is nervous, twitchy or tense | is nerveus, zenuwachtig of gespannen | cbcl_nervous_chi_q_45_v1/v2 | cbcl45 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has nervous movements or tics | heeft zenuwachtige bewegingen of zenuwtrekken | cbcl_tics_chi_q_46_v1/2 | cbcl46/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (has nervous movements or tics) | omschrijving (heeft zenuwachtige bewegingen of zenuwtrekken) | cbcl_tics_chi_q_46_a1/2 | cbcl46txt/atxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has nightmares | heeft nachtmerries | cbcl_nightmares_chi_q_47_v1/2 | cbcl47/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
other boys or girls do not like the child | andere jongens of meisjes mogen hem/haar niet | cbcl_notliked_chi_q_48 | cbcl48 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is constipated | heeft obstipatie, last van verstopping | cbcl_constipation_chi_q_49_v1/2 | cbcl49/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is overly scared or anxious | is te angstig of te bang | cbcl_anxious_chi_q_50 | cbcl50 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is dizzy or light-headed | voelt zich duizelig of licht in het hoofd | cbcl_dizzy_chi_q_51 | cbcl51 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
feels very guilty | voelt zich erg schuldig | cbcl_guilty_chi_q_52 | cbcl52 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
eats too much | eet te veel | cbcl_appetite_chi_q_53 | cbcl53 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is very tired without reason | is erg moe zonder reden | cbcl_fatigue_chi_q_54 | cbcl54 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is too fat | is te dik | cbcl_bodyweight_chi_q_55_v1/2 | cbcl55/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
pains (not abdominal pain or headache) / physical complaints without known medical cause | pijnen (geen buikpijn of hoofdpijn) / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_pains_chi_q_56_a | cbcl56a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
headache / physical complaints without known medical cause | hoofdpijn / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_headache_chi_q_56_b | cbcl56b | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
nauseous / physical complaints without known medical cause | misselijk / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_nausea_chi_q_56_c | cbcl56c | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
eye problems (not solved with glasses or contact lenses) / physical complaints without known medical cause | oogproblemen (waarvoor een bril of lenzen niet helpen) / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_eyeproblems_chi_q_56_d | cbcl56d | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (eye problems (not solved with glasses or contact lenses)) / physical complaints without known medical cause | omschrijving oogproblemen / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_eyeproblems_chi_q_56_d1 | cbcl56dtxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
skin rash or other skin problems / physical complaints without known medical cause | huiduitslag of andere huidproblemen / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_skinproblems_chi_q_56_e | cbcl56e | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
abdominal pain / physical complaints without known medical cause | buikpijn / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_abdominalpain_chi_q_56_f | cbcl56f | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
vomiting / physical complaints without known medical cause | overgeven / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_vomiting_chi_q_56_g | cbcl56g | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
other problems / physical complaints without known medical cause | andere problemen / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_physicalproblems_chi_q_56_h | cbcl56h | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description of other physical problems without known medical cause | omschrijving andere lichamelijke problemen / lichamelijke problemen zonder bekende medische oorzaak | cbcl_physicalproblems_chi_q_56_h1 | cbcl56htxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
attacks people physically | valt mensen lichamelijk aan | cbcl_attacks_chi_q_57 | cbcl57 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
picks its nose, skin or other body part | pulkt aan neus, huid of iets anders van het lichaam | cbcl_picking_chi_q_58_v1/2 | cbcl58/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (picks its nose, skin or other body part) | omschrijving (pulkt aan neus, huid of iets anders van het lichaam) | cbcl_picking_chi_q_58_a1/2 | cbcl58txt/atxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
plays with its own genitals in public | speelt met eigen geslachtsdelen in het openbaar | cbcl_genitals_chi_q_59 | cbcl59 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
plays with its own genitals too much | speelt te veel met eigen geslachtsdelen | cbcl_genitals_chi_q_60 | cbcl60 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
school work is poor | schoolwerk is slecht | cbcl_schoolwork_chi_q_61 | cbcl61 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is awkward or clumsy | is onhandig of stuntelig | cbcl_awkward_chi_q_62_v1/2 | cbcl62/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
prefers to associate with older boys or girls | gaat liever om met oudere jongens of meisjes | cbcl_friends_chi_q_63 | cbcl63 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
prefers to associate with younger boys or girls | gaat liever om met jongere jongens of meisjes | cbcl_friends_chi_q_64 | cbcl64 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
refuses to talk | weigert om te praten | cbcl_refusetalk_chi_q_65 | cbcl65 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
repeats certain actions time and again, compulsive actions | herhaalt bepaalde handelingen steeds maar weer, dwanghandelingen | cbcl_repetitive_chi_q_66 | cbcl66 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description (repeats certain actions over and over again, compulsive actions) | omschrijving (herhaalt bepaalde handelingen steeds maar weer, dwanghandelingen) | cbcl_repetitive_chi_q_66_a | cbcl66txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
runs away from home | loopt weg van huis | cbcl_runaway_chi_q_67 | cbcl67 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
yells a lot | schreeuwt veel | cbcl_yelling_chi_q_68_v1 | cbcl68 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is introverted, keeps things to itself | is gesloten, houdt dingen voor zichzelf | cbcl_introverted_chi_q_69_v1/2 | cbcl69/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
sees things that aren't there | ziet dingen die er niet zijn | cbcl_visions_chi_q_70 | cbcl70 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (sees things that aren't there) | omschrijving (ziet dingen die er niet zijn) | cbcl_visions_chi_q_70_a | cbcl70txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is easily ashamed or ill at ease | schaamt zich gauw of voelt zich niet op zijn/haar gemak | cbcl_shame_chi_q_71 | cbcl71 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
starts fires | sticht branden | cbcl_pyromania_chi_q_72 | cbcl72 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has sexual problems | heeft seksuele problemen | cbcl_sexual_chi_q_73_v1/2 | cbcl73/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (has sexual problems) | omschrijving (heeft seksuele problemen) | cbcl_sexual_chi_q_73_a1/2 | cbcl73txt/atxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
shows off or acts crazily to attract attention | slooft zich uit of doet gek om op te vallen | cbcl_attention_chi_q_74 | cbcl74 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is overly shy or timid | is te verlegen of timide | cbcl_shy_chi_q_75_v1/2 | cbcl75/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
sleeps less than most boys and girls | slaapt minder dan de meeste jongens en meisjes | cbcl_sleep_chi_q_76 | cbcl76 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
sleeps more than most boys and girls during the day and/or night | slaapt overdag en/of ’s nachts meer dan de meeste jongens en meisjes | cbcl_sleep_chi_q_77 | cbcl77 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (sleeps more than most boys and girls during the day and/or night) | omschrijving (slaapt overdag en/of ’s nachts meer dan de meeste jongens en meisjes) | cbcl_sleep_chi_q_77_a | cbcl77txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
does not pay attention or is easily distracted | let niet goed op of is snel afgeleid | cbcl_distracted_chi_q_78 | cbcl78 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has speech problems | heeft spraakproblemen | cbcl_speech_chi_q_79_v1/2 | cbcl79/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (has speech problems) | omschrijving (heeft spraakproblemen) | cbcl_speech_chi_q_79_a1/2 | cbcl79/atxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has an empty gaze | kijkt met een lege blik | cbcl_emptygaze_chi_q_80 | cbcl80 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
steals at home | steelt van huis | cbcl_stealing_chi_q_81 | cbcl81 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
steals outside the home | steelt buitenshuis | cbcl_stealing_chi_q_82 | cbcl82 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
keeps too many things it does not need | spaart te veel dingen op die hij/zij niet nodig heeft | cbcl_hoarding_chi_q_83 | cbcl83 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (keeps too many things it doesn't need) | omschrijving (spaart te veel dingen op die hij/zij niet nodig heeft) | cbcl_hoarding_chi_q_83_a | cbcl83txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
displays strange behavior | vertoont vreemd gedrag | cbcl_strange_chi_q_84_v1/2 | cbcl84/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (displays strange behavior) | omschrijving (vertoont vreemd gedrag) | cbcl_strange_chi_q_84_a1/2 | cbcl84txt/atxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has strange thoughts | heeft vreemde gedachten | cbcl_thoughts_chi_q_85_v1/2 | cbcl85/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (has strange thoughts) | omschrijving (heeft vreemde gedachten) | cbcl_thoughts_chi_q_85_a1/2 | cbcl85txt/atxt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is stubborn, surly or irritable | is koppig, stuurs of prikkelbaar | cbcl_stubborn_chi_q_86_v1/2 | cbcl86/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
mood and feelings change rapidly | stemming en gevoelens veranderen plotseling | cbcl_moodswings_chi_q_87 | cbcl87 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
sulks a lot | mokt veel | cbcl_sulking_chi_q_88_v1 | cbcl88 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is suspicious | is achterdochtig | cbcl_suspicious_chi_q_89_v1/2 | cbcl89/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
swears or uses dirty words | vloekt of gebruikt vieze woorden | cbcl_swearing_chi_q_90 | cbcl90 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
talks about wanting to kill itself | praat erover dat hij/zij zichzelf zou willen doden | cbcl_suicidal_chi_q_91 | cbcl91 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
talks during sleep or sleepwalks | praat tijdens slaap of slaapwandelt | cbcl_sleepwalking_chi_q_92 | cbcl92 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (talks during sleep or sleepwalks) | omschrijving (praat tijdens slaap of slaapwandelt) | cbcl_sleepwalking_chi_q_92_a | cbcl92txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
talks too much | praat te veel | cbcl_talking_chi_q_93 | cbcl93 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
bullies a lot | pest veel | cbcl_bully_chi_q_94 | cbcl94 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
has temper tantrums or is quick-tempered | driftbuien of snel driftig | cbcl_tantrums_chi_q_95 | cbcl95 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
thinks about sex too much | denkt te veel aan seks | cbcl_sexual_chi_q_96 | cbcl96 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
threatens people | bedreigt mensen | cbcl_threatening_chi_q_97 | cbcl97 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
sucks its thumb | doet aan duimzuigen | cbcl_thumbsucking_chi_q_98_v1/2 | cbcl98/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
smokes tobacco | rookt tabak | cbcl_tobacco_chi_q_99_v1 | cbcl99 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
problems sleeping | problemen met slapen | cbcl_sleep_chi_q_100 | cbcl100 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (problems sleeping) | omschrijving (problemen met slapen) | cbcl_sleep_chi_q_100_a | cbcl100txt | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
skips school | spijbelt, blijft weg van school | cbcl_truancy_chi_q_101 | cbcl101 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is not very active, moves slowly or has little energy | is weinig actief, beweegt zich langzaam of te weinig energie | cbcl_lowenergy_chi_q_102_v1/2 | cbcl102/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is unhappy, sad or depressed | is ongelukkig, verdrietig of depressief | cbcl_depressed_chi_q_103_v1/2 | cbcl103/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is overly noisy | is meer dan gewoon luidruchtig | cbcl_noisy_chi_q_104_v1/2 | cbcl104/a | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
uses drugs | gebruikt drugs | cbcl_drugs_chi_q_105 | cbcl105 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
describe (uses drugs) | omschrijving (gebruikt drugs) | cbcl_drugs_chi_q_105_a | cbcl105txt | 1A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
commits vandalism | pleegt vandalisme | cbcl_vandalism_chi_q_106_v1/2 | cbcl106/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
wets its pants during the day | plast overdag in zijn/haar broek ? | cbcl_pantswetting_chi_q_107 | cbcl107 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
wets its bed | plast in bed | cbcl_bedwetting_chi_q_108 | cbcl108 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
whines | zeurt | cbcl_whining_chi_q_109_v1/2 | cbcl109/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
wants to be of the opposite sex | wil dat hij/zij van het andere geslacht is | cbcl_genderidentity_chi_q_110 | cbcl110 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is withdrawn, does not interact with others | is teruggetrokken, gaat niet met anderen om | cbcl_withdrawn_chi_q_111_v1/2 | cbcl111/a | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
worries | maakt zich zorgen | cbcl_worry_chi_q_112 | cbcl112 | 1A 2A 3A ADHQ | 8-17 / 4-12 |
other problem (1) | ander probleem (1) | cbcl_other_chi_q_113 | cbcl113 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description of other problem (1) | omschrijving ander probleem (1) | cbcl_other_chi_q_113_a | cbcl113atxt | 1A 2A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
are there any other problems (1) | zijn er nog andere problemen (1) | cbcl_other_chi_q_113_b | cbcl113_vv1 | 3A | 4-12 |
what other problem (1) | welk ander probleem (1) | cbcl_other_chi_q_113_b1 | cbcl113txt | 3A | 4-12 |
other problem (2) | ander probleem (2) | cbcl_other_chi_q_114 | cbcl114 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description of other problem (2) | omschrijving ander probleem (2) | cbcl_other_chi_q_114_a | cbcl114atxt | 1A 2A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is there another problem (2) | is er nog een ander probleem? (2) | cbcl_other_chi_q_114_b | cbcl114_vv1 | 3A | 4-12 |
what other problem (2) | welk ander probleem (2) | cbcl_other_chi_q_114_b1 | cbcl114txt | 3A | 4-12 |
other problem (3) | ander probleem (3) | cbcl_other_chi_q_115 | cbcl115 | 1A 2A 3A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description of other problem (3) | omschrijving ander probleem (3) | cbcl_other_chi_q_115_a | cbcl115atxt | 1A 2A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
is there another problem (3) | is er nog een ander probleem? (3) | cbcl_other_chi_q_115_b | cbcl115_vv1 | 3A | 4-12 |
what other problem (3) | welk ander probleem (3) | cbcl_other_chi_q_115_b1 | cbcl115txt | 3A | 4-12 |
other problem (4) | ander probleem (4) | cbcl_other_chi_q_116 | cbcl116 | 1A | 8-17 / 4-12 |
description of other problem (4) | omschrijving ander probleem (4) | cbcl_other_chi_q_116_a | cbcl116atxt | 1A | 8-17 / 4-12 |