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Lifelines has collected a wide variety of biosamples from participants over the general assessments or during any additional assessments. What follows is a non-exhaustive list of these biosamples, please consult our catalogue for a complete overview.

  • Blood (plasma) samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • Blood (serum) samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • Blood (buffycoat) samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • DNA has been extracted from 100,000+ buffycoat samples (during the GWAS and UGLI additional assessments for example).
  • Urine samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • Faecal samples were collected from subcohorts of Lifelines participants as part of the following additional assessments: DEEP, DAG2, DAG3, and DAG4.
  • Hair samples were collected from participants (ages 18+) during the second assessment.
  • Lymphocyte samples were collected from 20,000 adult participants during the baseline assessment.
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biosamples.1673352553.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/10 13:09 by trynke