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1A Youth Questionnaire (13-17y)

Young participants (13-17y) participating in baseline assessment 1A filled in a digital questionnaire at the location of 1A Visit 1 (n = ~3,900). The 1A Youth Questionnaire is procedurally equivalent to the 2A Youth Questionnaire.
Note that for most participants of 13-17 years old, parents also filled in the 1A general questionnaire, the 1A Food questionnaire, the 1A birth questionnaire, and the 1A Behavior questionnaire.

The 1A Youth Questionnaire contained the following sections and subsections:


Diseases & symptoms

Lifestyle & Environment

Medical Treatment

Mental Health


Reproduction & Development

Wellbeing & Subjective Health

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1a_youth_questionnaire.1584718735.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/20 16:38 by trynke