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Language and Music (MUSQ)

The Language and Music questionnaire is an additional assessment among elderly (65+) Lifelines participants.
The aim of the digital questionnaire was to gain more insight in the role of language use and language switching, and musical training, on cognitive health. The questionnaire was developed at the initiative of the UMCG Cognitive Neuroscience Center and the RUG Department of Applied Linguistics (NL).
The questionnaire consists of two parts:

  1. Part 1 includes questions about language use and switching
  2. Part 2 is about musical training and current musical practice.

Protocol & response

The digital questionnaire was sent out between december 2019 and april 2020.
~20,500 elderly (65+) Lifelines participants received the questionnaire, of which ~11,000 participants (55%) responded.


The following questions were asked about language use and musical training:

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musq.1610122910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/08 17:21 by trynke