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Hobbies & Activities (<18)

The hobbies and activities of underage Lifelines participants was assessed with a broad range of questions (section: Children & adolescents).
Note that hobbies & activities has also been included for adult participants, and can be found in the sections Hobbies & activities.

Related C&A subsections: Physical activity, Screen use


Hobbies & Activities children

Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
was your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of its own age when it was between 6 months and 3 years old? was uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes in de leeftijd van 6 maanden t/m 3 jaar? active_relative_ch1a_q_1 ch6m_3yactive1 1A 4-17
was your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of its own age from 4 years old until the present? was uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes in de leeftijd van 4 jaar t/m nu? active_relative_ch2_q_1 ch4yactive1 1A 4-7
was your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of its own age when it was between 4 and 7 years old? was uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 7 jaar? active_relative_ch2a_q_1 ch4_7yactive1 1A 8-17
was your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of its own age from the age of 8 years until the present? was uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes in de leeftijd van 8 jaar t/m nu? active_relative_ch3_q_1 ch8yactive1 1A 8-12
was your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of its own age when it was between 8 and 12 years old? was uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes in de leeftijd van 8 t/m 12 jaar? active_relative_ch3a_q_1 ch8_12yactive1 1A 13-17
was your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of its own age from the age of 13 until the present? was uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes in de leeftijd van 13 jaar t/m nu? active_relative_ch4_q_1 ch13yactive1 1A 13-17
is your child physically more active, equally active or less active than other children of their own age? is uw kind lichamelijk actiever, net zo actief of minder actief dan zijn/haar leeftijdsgenootjes? active_relative_chi_q_1 chactive7 2A 3A 4-12
did your child play any other sport (other than as part of a team) when it was between 4 and 7 years old? deed uw kind buiten clubverband aan sport in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 7 jaar? sports_individual_ch2a_q_1 ch4_7yactive3b 1A 8-17
did your child play any other sport (other than as part of a team) from the age of 8 until the present? deed uw kind buiten clubverband aan sport in de leeftijd van 8 t/m nu? sports_individual_ch3_q_1 ch8yactive3b 1A 8-12
did your child play any other sport (other than as part of a team) when it was between 8 and 12 years old? deed uw kind buiten clubverband aan sport in de leeftijd van 8 t/m 12 jaar? sports_individual_ch3a_q_1 ch8_12yactive3b 1A 13-17
did your child play any other sport (other than as part of a team) from the age of 13 until the present? deed uw kind buiten clubverband aan sport in de leeftijd van 13 t/m nu? sports_individual_ch4_q_1 ch13yactive3b 1A 13-17
playing sports / how many hours a week, on average, did your child spend on this activity when it was between 4 and 7 years old? sporten / hoeveel uur per week besteedde uw kind gemiddeld hieraan in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 7 jaar? sports_time_ch2a_q_1 ch4_7yactive5f 1A 8-17
playing sports / how many hours a week, on average, did your child spend on this activity from the age of 8 until the present? sporten / hoeveel uur per week besteedde uw kind gemiddeld hieraan in de leeftijd van 8 jaar t/m nu? sports_time_ch3_q_1 ch8yactive5f 1A 8-12
playing sports / how many hours a week, on average, did your child spend on this activity when it was between 8 and 12 years old? sporten / hoeveel uur per week besteedde uw kind gemiddeld hieraan in de leeftijd van 8 t/m 12 jaar? sports_time_ch3a_q_1 ch8_12yactive5f 1A 13-17
playing sports / how many hours a week, on average, did your child spend on this activity from the age of 13 until the present? sporten / hoeveel uur per week besteedde uw kind gemiddeld hieraan in de leeftijd van 13 jaar t/m nu? sports_time_ch4_q_1 ch13yactive5f 1A 13-17
was your child member of a sports club when it was between 4 and 7 years old? was uw kind lid van een sportclub in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 7 jaar? sportsclub_member_ch2a_q_1 ch4_7yactive3a 1A 8-17
was your child member of a sports club from the age of 8 until the present? was uw kind lid van een sportclub in de leeftijd van 8 t/m nu? sportsclub_member_ch3_q_1 ch8yactive3a 1A 8-12
was your child member of a sports club when it was between 8 and 12 years old? was uw kind lid van een sportclub in de leeftijd van 8 t/m 12 jaar? sportsclub_member_ch3a_q_1 ch8_12yactive3a 1A 13-17
was your child member of a sports club from the age of 13 until the present? was uw kind lid van een sportclub in de leeftijd van 13 t/m nu? sportsclub_member_ch4_q_1 ch13yactive3a 1A 13-17

Hobbies & Activities adolescents

Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
on average, how much time per week do you spend on gaming? hoeveel tijd besteed je gemiddeld per week aan gamen? gaming_duration_ach_q_2 achgame02 3A 13-17
how often do you play videogames because you feel bad? hoe vaak ga je gamen omdat je je rot voelt? gaming_feelbad_ach_q_8 achgame08 3A 13-17
how often do you play videogames? hoe vaak speel je games? gaming_frequency_ach_q_1 achgame01 3A 13-17
how often do you prefer gaming over spending time with others (for example friends or parents) in real life? hoe vaak ga je liever gamen dan dat je in het echt tijd met anderen doorbrengt (bijvoorbeeld vrienden of ouders)? gaming_preference_ach_q_5 achgame05 3A 13-17
how often do other people (for example parents or friends) tell you that you should game less? hoe vaak zeggen anderen (bijvoorbeeld ouders of vrienden) dat je minder zou moeten gamen? gaming_reduce_ach_q_4 achgame04 3A 13-17
how often do you rush your work or homework because you want to game? hoe vaak raffel je je werk of huiswerk af omdat je wilt gamen? gaming_rush_ach_q_7 achgame07 3A 13-17
how often do you lose sleep due to gaming? hoe vaak kom je slaap te kort door het gamen? gaming_sleeploss_ach_q_9 achgame09 3A 13-17
how often do you find it difficult to stop gaming? hoe vaak vind je het moeilijk om met gamen te stoppen? gaming_stop_ach_q_3 achgame03 3A 13-17
how often do you feel restless, stressed, or irritated when you are not able to game? hoe vaak voel je je onrustig, gestrest of geïrriteerd wanneer je niet kunt gamen? gaming_stress_ach_q_6 achgame06 3A 13-17
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hobbies_activities_18.1702998207.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/19 16:03 by laura