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Groningen Frailty Indicator (GFI)

Frailty is an indicator of risk of poor health outcomes (e.g. mortality, institutionalization, hospitalization, and functional decline) in elderly people (section: elderly).

The Groningen Frailty Indicator is a self-assessment instrument designed to measure frailty in the elderly from a multidimensional perspective. The GFI was validated in the population of elderly participants in Lifelines 1).

The following GFI-variables were collected in the context of various general questionnaires:

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Are you able to carry out the following tasks single-handedly and without any help? (The use of help resources, such as a walking stick, walking frame, or wheelchair, is considered to be independent.) Shopping. Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zelfstandig de boodschappen doen, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? GFI1A 1A 1B 65+
Are you able to carry out the following tasks single-handedly and without any help? (The use of help resources, such as a walking stick, walking frame, or wheelchair, is considered to be independent.) Dressing and undressing. Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zelfstandig zichzelf aan en uitkleden, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? GFI1B 1A 1B 65+
Are you able to carry out the following tasks single-handedly and without any help? (The use of help resources, such as a walking stick, walking frame, or wheelchair, is considered to be independent.) Walking around outside (around the house or to the neighbors). Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zich buitenshuis verplaatsen (rondom huis, naar buren), eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? GFI1C 1A 1B 65+
Are you able to carry out the following tasks single-handedly and without any help? (The use of help resources, such as a walking stick, walking frame, or wheelchair, is considered to be independent.) Going to the toilet. Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders naar het toilet gaan, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? GFI1D 1A 1B 65+
What mark do you give yourself for physical fitness? (scale 0 to 10) Welk rapportcijfer geeft u zichzelf voor hoe fit u zich voelt (van 0 tot 10) GFI2 1B 65+
Do you experience problems in daily life because of poor vision? Heeft u problemen in het dagelijks leven door slecht zien? GFI3 1B 65+
Do you experience problems in daily life because of being hard of hearing? Heeft u problemen in het dagelijks leven door slecht horen? GFI4 1B 65+
Have you recently lost a lot of weight unwillingly? (6 kg in 6 months or 3 kg in one month) Bent u in de afgelopen periode veel afgevallen zonder dit te willen (6 kg in 6 maanden of 3 kg in één maand) GFI5 1B 65+
Do you take 4 or more different types of medicine? Gebruikt u momenteel 4 of meer verschillende soorten medicijnen? GFI6 1B 65+
Do you have any complaints about your memory? Hebt u klachten over uw geheugen? GFI7 1A 1B 65+
Do you ever experience emptiness around you? Ervaart u wel eens een leegte om u heen? GFI8 1B 65+
Do you ever miss people around you? Mist u wel eens mensen om u heen? GFI9 1B 65+
Do you ever feel let down? Voelt u zich wel eens in de steek gelaten? GFI10 1B 65+
Have you felt gloomy or depressed recently? Heeft u zich de laatste tijd somber of neerslachtig gevoeld? GFI11 1B 65+
Have you felt nervous or afraid recently? Heeft u zich de laatste tijd nerveus of angstig gevoeld? GFI12 1B 65+
Peters, L.L., Boter, H., Burgerhof, J.G.M., Slaets, J.P.J., and Buskens, E. (2015). Construct validity of the Groningen Frailty Indicator established in a large sample of home-dwelling elderly persons: Evidence of stability across age and gender. Exp. Gerontol. 69, 129–141
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frailty_gfi.1574159208.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/19 11:26 by trynke