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Ear conditions

Lifelines participants were asked the following questions about health issues with their ears (section: Diseases & symptoms).
Note that the impact of hearing loss was assessed using the HHIA questionnaire.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
do you need a hearing aid? hebt u een gehoorapparaat nodig? hearing_aid_adu_q_1 HEALTH70 1A 18+
are you limited by problems with your hearing in daily life? wordt u in het dagelijks leven beperkt door problemen met uw gehoor? hearing_limitations_adu_q_1 HEALTH71 1A 18+
do you hear ringing or whistling in your ear/ears? hoort u suizen of fluiten in uw oor/oren tinnitus_presence_adu_q_1 HEALTH99 1B 18+
do you hear ringing or whistling in your ear(s) for more than 5 min at a time? hoort u suizen of fluiten in uw oor/oren voor meer dan 5 minuten per keer? tinnitus_presence_adu_q_2 HEALTH99a 3B 18+
do you wear (a) hearing aid(s)? Draagt u een hoortoestel(len)? hearing_aid_adu_q_2 gehoor1 3B 18+
do you experience problems with your hearing and/or balance? If so, which problem? Ervaart u problemen met uw gehoor en/of evenwicht? Zo ja, welke? hearing_problems_adu_q_1_a1-11 gehoor2 3B 18+
in what year did the tinnitus start? In welk jaar is de tinnitus begonnen? tinnitus_startyear_adu_q_1 tin1 3B 18+
how did the tinnitus start? Hoe is de tinnitus ontstaan? tinnitus_cause_adu_q_1 tin2 3B 18+
could the start of the tinnitus be explained by a specific event? If so, what event (as far as you know)? Kan het ontstaan van de tinnitus verklaard worden door een bepaalde gebeurtenis? Zo ja, welke gebeurtenis (zo ver u weet)? tinnitus_event_adu_q_1 tin3 3B 18+
where do you usually hear the tinnitus? Waar hoort u de tinnitus meestal? tinnitus_location_adu_q_1 tin4 3B 18+
in the run of the day, when do you hear your tinnitus? In de loop van de dag, wanneer hoort u uw tinnitus? tinnitus_time_adu_q_1 tin5 3B 18+
do you perceive your tinnitus as rhythmical? Ervaart u uw tinnitus als ritmisch? tinnitus_rhythm_adu_q_1 tin6 3B 18+
what is the pitch of your tinnitus? Wat is de toonhoogte van uw tinnitus? tinnitus_pitch_adu_q_1 tin7 3B 18+
can you describe the general loudness of your tinnitus? Kunt u de gemiddelde luidheid van uw tinnitus beschrijven? tinnitus_loudness_adu_q_1 tin8 3B 18+
how much do you suffer from your tinnitus on average? Hoeveel last heeft u van uw tinnitus gemiddeld genomen? tinnitus_severity_adu_q_1 tin9 3B 18+
were you treated for your tinnitus? If so, what was the effect of the treatment on your tinnitus? Bent u onder behandeling geweest voor uw tinnitus? Zo ja, wat was het effect van de behandeling op uw tinnitus? tinnitus_treatment_adu_q_1 tin10 3B 18+
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ear_conditions.1681381463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/13 12:24 by simone