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The Dutch Healthy Diet index

The Dutch Healthy Diet index1) is a diet score derived from one of the FFQ processing steps; the FFQ item results. This DHD index is available for ~144.000 adult participants for the FFQ heart and ~68.500 for the FFQ heart and petals (section: Nutrition (Diet scores) and Secondary & linked variables).
The DHD index was developed by researchers from Wageningen University and Research and is a tool to assess participants' coherence to the Dutch Healthy Diet index. On the Lifelines data, the Lifelines Diet Score has been developed as well, which is a tool to assess relative diet quality to the overall Lifelines population.

The DHD index will soon be available for request in the Lifelines catalogue or by email ( When this data has been used in your research, you will have to include a reference to the the following paper:

  • ... Paper to be added







Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Total amount of stress from long-term/chronic stressors experienced by the participant. Totale hoeveelheid stress van lange-termijn/chronische stressoren ldi_sumscore_adu_c_1 LDI_sum 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A 18+
Van Lee et al. (2012) The Dutch Healthy Diet index (DHD-index): an instrument to measure adherence to the Dutch Guidelines for a Healthy Diet; Nutrition Journal 11(49).
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dutch_healthy_diet_index.1655449944.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/17 09:12 by laura