Work Psychology (general)

Adult Lifelines participants were asked several questions regarding well-being in the workplace (section: wellbeing & subjective health). Aside from the general questions listed below, other aspects of work psychology were assessed using the COPSOQ, the WRFQ, the Work Ability Index and the SWING.
Occupational history en employment status can be found under Demographics.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Are you afraid of losing your job in the foreseeable future? Bent u bang binnen afzienbare tijd uw baan/onderneming te verliezen unemployment_worry_adu_q_1 WORK9/A 1A 3A NEXT 18+
To what extent do the following statements apply to you? I expect that I will still set many new work goals before my retirement. Ik verwacht dat ik nog veel nieuwe werkdoelen voor mijn pensioen zal stellen retirement_workgoals_adu_q_1 WORK20A 1C 3A 18+
To what extent do the following statements apply to you? I feel like I still have a lot of time before my retirement. Ik heb het gevoel nog veel tijd te hebben voordat ik met pensioen ga. retirement_time_adu_q_1 WORK20B 1C 3A 18+
To what extent do the following statements apply to you? I can still do everything that I would want to do in my work before my retirement. voor mijn pensioen kan ik nog alles in het werk doen wat ik zou willen / in hoeverre is dit voor u van toepassing? retirement_ability_adu_q_1 work20c 1C 3A 18+
To what extent are you satisfied with your work all together? In hoeverre bent u, alles bij elkaar genomen, tevreden met uw werk? work_satisfaction_adu_q_1 OVERGANG2 MAWQ 40-67
Until what age do you want to continue working? Tot welke leeftijd wilt u doorgaan met werken? retirement_prognosis_adu_q_1_a OVERGANG11 MAWQ 40-67
Until what age do you think you will be able -physically and mentally- to continue your current work? Tot welke leeftijd denkt u, lichamelijk en geestelijk, in staat te zijn om uw huidige werk voort te zetten? retirement_prognosis_adu_q_1_b OVERGANG12 MAWQ 40-67