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Vaccination (Covid-19)

Lifelines assessed the attitude towards, and the presence and severity of side-effects in response to, the various covid-19 vaccinations in adult participants during the 2020-2021 corona pandemic, in the context of an additional questionnaire: COVQ (section: medical treatment).

Questions English Questions Dutch [covtxx_] Variable COVQ
Do you think there will be a vaccine? Denkt u dat er een vaccin komt? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_a COVID80 10, 15
How long do you think it will take before a vaccine is available? Hoe lang denkt u dat het duurt voordat er een vaccin komt? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_b COVID81 10, 15
Will you be vaccinated against COVID-19 when a vaccine becomes available? Laat u zich vaccineren als het vaccin tegen COVID-19 beschikbaar is? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_c COVID82 10, 15
Will you let yourself be vaccinated against covid-19? Gaat u zich laten vaccineren tegen COVID-19? covidvaccine_adu_q_2_a COVID187A 17
I take the vaccine to protect myself Ik neem het vaccin om mezelf te beschermen covidvaccine_adu_q_2_b COVID187B 17
When do you expect to be vaccinated at the latest? Wanneer verwacht u uiterlijk te worden gevaccineerd? covidvaccine_adu_q_2_c COVID187C 17
To what extent do you think that vaccines in general have serious side effects? In hoeverre denkt u dat vaccins in het algemeen ernstige bijwerkingen hebben? covidvaccine_adu_q_2_d1 COVID187D1 17
To what extent do you think that the corona vaccine will have serious side effects? In hoeverre denkt u dat het corona vaccin ernstige bijwerkingen zal geven? covidvaccine_adu_q_2_d2 COVID187D2 17
I find the corona vaccine scary Ik vind het corona vaccin eng covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e1 COVID188A 17, 21
I am relieved that the vaccine is there Ik ben opgelucht dat het vaccin er is covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e2 COVID188B 17, 21
The vaccine contributes to the return to our normal lives Het vaccin draagt bij aan het oppakken van ons normale leven covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e3 COVID188C 17
I am afraid of side effects in the short-term Ik ben bang voor bijwerkingen op korte termijn covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e4 COVID188D 17, 21
I am afraid of side effects in the long-term Ik ben bang voor bijwerkingen op lange termijn covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e5 COVID188E 17, 21
Vaccination goes against my religion/creed Vaccinatie gaat tegen mijn religie/geloofsovertuiging in covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e6 COVID188F 17
I would not want to be one of the firsts to receive the vaccine Ik zou het vaccin niet als een van de eersten willen ontvangen covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e7 COVID188G 17
I do not need to be vaccinated if I already had a serious form of corona Ik hoef niet meer gevaccineerd te worden als ik een ernstige vorm van corona heb gehad covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e8 COVID188H 17
I can get corona despite a covid-19 vaccination Ik kan corona krijgen ondanks een COVID-19 vaccinatie covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e9 COVID188I 17
I can transmit corona despite a covid-19 vaccination Ik kan corona overdragen ondanks een COVID-19 vaccinatie covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e10 COVID188J 17
I am willing to get vaccinated if it means that I may adhere to less strict measures Ik ben bereid me te laten vaccineren als ik me daardoor aan minder strenge maatregelen hoef te houden covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e11 COVID188K 17
Are you vaccinated against the corona virus? Bent u gevaccineerd tegen het coronavirus? covidvaccine_adu_q_3-6_a COVID195A/_6 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29
Which vaccine did you receive? Welk vaccin hebt u gehad? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_a1 COVID196 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29
Are you planning to take the accompanying second vaccination? Bent u van plan de bijbehorende tweede vaccinatie te nemen? covidvaccine_adu_q_5_a4 COVID254 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28
Did you suffer any side effects after the first/second vaccination? Had u na de eerste/tweede vaccinatie last van bijwerkingen? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2 COVID198A/B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Which side effect(s) did occur after the first/second vaccination? Welke bijwerking(en) is of zijn er opgetreden na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_a-j COVID198A/B1 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Which reaction did you have at or around the injection site (after the first/second corona vaccination) Welke reactie had u op of rond de injectieplaats (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_a1-g COVID198A/B1A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the reaction at or around the injection site occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de reactie op of rond de injectieplaats (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_a2 COVID198A/B1B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from the reaction at or around the injection site (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van de reactie op of rond de injectieplaats (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_a3 COVID198A/B1C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the reaction at or around the injection site (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de reactie op of rond de injectieplaats (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_a4 COVID198A/B1D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the reaction at or around the injection site result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de reactie op of rond de injectieplaats tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_a5a-g COVID198A/B1E 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
What is the highest body temperature measured when you had a fever (after the first/second corona vaccination) Wat is de hoogst gemeten lichaamstemperatuur toen u koorts had (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_b1 COVID198A/B2A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How did you measure this temperature? Hoe hebt u deze lichaamstemperatuur gemeten? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_b2 COVID198A/B2B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the fever occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de koorts (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_b3 COVID198A/B2C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from fever (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van koorts (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_b4 COVID198A/B2D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the fever (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de koorts (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_b5 COVID198A/B2E 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the fever result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de koorts tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_b6a-f COVID198A/B2F 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the cold shivers occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstonden de koude rillingen (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_c1 COVID198A/B3A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from cold shivers (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van koude rillingen (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_c2 COVID198A/B3B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden were the cold shivers (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend waren de koude rillingen (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_c3 COVID198A/B3C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the cold shivers result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hebben de koude rillingen tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_c4a-f COVID198A/B3D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the headache occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de hoofdpijn (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_d1 COVID198A/B4A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from headache (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van hoofdpijn (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_d2 COVID198A/B4B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the headache (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de hoofdpijn (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_d3 COVID198A/B4C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the headache result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de hoofdpijn tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_d4a-f COVID198A/B4D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the nausea occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de misselijkheid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_e1 COVID198A/B5A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from nausea (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van misselijkheid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_e2 COVID198A/B5B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the nausea (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de misselijkheid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_e3 COVID198A/B5C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the nausea result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de misselijkheid tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_e4a-f COVID198A/B5D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the muscle ache/pain occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de spierpijn (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_f1 COVID198A/B6A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from muscle ache/pain (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van spierpijn (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_f2 COVID198A/B6B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the muscle ache/pain (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de spierpijn (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_f3 COVID198A/B6C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the muscle ache/pain result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de spierpijn tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_f4a-f COVID198A/B6D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the joint pain occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de pijn in de gewrichten (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_g1 COVID198A/B7A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from joint pain (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van pijn in de gewrichten (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_g2 COVID198A/B7B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the joint pain (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de pijn in de gewrichten (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_g3 COVID198A/B7C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the joint pain result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de pijn in de gewrichten tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_g4a-f COVID198A/B7D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did you not feel well (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer voelde u zich niet lekker (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_h1 COVID198A/B8A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you not feel well (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang voelde u zich niet lekker (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_h2 COVID198A/B8B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the not feeling well (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was het niet lekker voelen (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_h3 COVID198A/B8C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did not feeling well result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft het niet lekker voelen tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_h4a-f COVID198A/B8D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the fatigue occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond de vermoeidheid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_i1 COVID198A/B9A 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from fatigue (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van vermoeidheid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_i2 COVID198A/B9B 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was the fatigue (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was de vermoeidheid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_i3 COVID198A/B9C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the fatigue result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft de vermoeidheid tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_i4a-f COVID198A/B9D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
When did the other side effect(s) occur (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Wanneer ontstond(en) deze andere bijwerking(en) (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_j2 COVID198A/B10C 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you suffer from the other side effect(s) (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe lang hebt u last gehad van deze andere bijwerking(en) (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_j3 COVID198A/B10D 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
How much of a burden was/were the other side effect(s) (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Hoe belastend was/waren deze andere bijwerking(en) (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_j4 COVID198A/B10E 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did the other side effect(s) result in the following situations (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft/Hebben deze andere bijwerking(en) tot één of meerdere situaties geleid (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_j5a-f COVID198A/B10F 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Could another medication or vaccine possibly have influenced the side effect(s) that you report (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Heeft een ander geneesmiddel of vaccin mogelijk invloed gehad op de bijwerking(en) die u ons meldt (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_k COVID199A/B1 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Which of the factors mentioned below could possibly have caused one of the side effects (after the first/second corona vaccination)? Welke van onderstaande punten kan mogelijk een van de bijwerkingen hebben veroorzaakt (na de eerste/tweede coronavaccinatie)? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_l1-6 COVID199A/B2 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
how many weeks into the pregnancy was the first/second corona vaccination administered? Bij hoeveel weken zwangerschap is voor de eerste/tweede keer het coronavaccin toegediend? sideeffects_adu_q_1/2_l3a COVID199A/B3 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Did you stay home from work, because of the side effects of the vaccine? Bent u thuis gebleven van uw werk, door de bijwerkingen van het vaccin? sideeffects_adu_q_3 COVID256 20, 21, 22, 23
How long did you stay home from work because of the side effects of the vaccine? Hoe lang bent u thuisgebleven van uw werk door de bijwerkingen? sideeffects_adu_q_3_a COVID257 20, 21 (only in q21_v1*), 22, 23
What is the reason why you are not (yet) vaccinated? Wat is de reden dat u (nog) niet gevaccineerd bent? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_b COVID200 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Are your housemates vaccinated against corona? Zijn uw huisgenoten gevaccineerd tegen corona? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_c COVID201 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
What would be the most important reason for you to get vaccinated? Wat zou voor u de belangrijkste reden zijn om u wel te laten vaccineren? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_d1 COVID202A 18, 19, 20, 21
What would be the most important reason for you to not get vaccinated? Wat zou voor u de belangrijkste reden zijn om u niet te laten vaccineren? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_d2 COVID202B 18, 19, 20, 21
How do you feel about vaccinations in general? Hoe staat u tegenover vaccinaties in het algemeen? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_e1 COVID203A 18, 19, 20, 21
How do you feel about vaccinations in the dutch national immunisation programme? Hoe staat u tegenover vaccinaties in het rijksvaccinatie programma? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_e2 COVID203B 18, 19, 20, 21
How do you feel about travel vaccinations? Hoe staat u tegenover reisvaccinaties? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_e3 COVID203C 18, 19, 20, 21
How do you feel about the corona vaccination? Hoe staat u tegenover de coronavaccinatie? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_e4 COVID203D 18, 19, 20, 21
I am worried that not enough people will be vaccinated by the time the third wave is expected Ik maak me zorgen dat er onvoldoende mensen gevaccineerd zijn tegen de tijd dat de derde golf wordt verwacht covidvaccine_adu_q_3_f1 COVID204A 18, 19, 20, 21
I am worried that I will not be able to get a corona vaccine when I refuse the first invitation Ik maak me zorgen dat ik geen coronavaccin meer kan krijgen als ik de eerste uitnodiging afwijs covidvaccine_adu_q_3_f2 COVID204B 18, 19, 20, 21
I am worried that the protection from the corona vaccine wears off too fast Ik maak me zorgen dat de bescherming door coronavaccins te snel afneemt covidvaccine_adu_q_3_f3 COVID204C 18, 19, 20, 21
I am worried that the corona vaccine is not enough to get us out of the corona crisis Ik maak me zorgen dat het coronavaccin onvoldoende is om ons uit de coronacrisis te halen covidvaccine_adu_q_3_f4 COVID204D 18, 19, 20, 21, 24
I am worried that the corona vaccine does not work against the known virus variants (e.g. the british, south african, south american variants) Ik maak me zorgen dat het corronavaccin niet werkt tegen bekende coronavarianten (bijv. Britse, Zuid-Afrikaanse, Zuid-Amerikaanse varianten) covidvaccine_adu_q_3_f5 COVID204E 18, 19, 20, 21
How do you expect to comply with the corona measures in the following situations? Hoe verwacht u in onderstaande situaties om te gaan met de corona maatregelen? covidvaccine_adu_q_3_g1-5 COVID231A-E 19
Do you have a preference for a certain brand of vaccine? Hebt u een voorkeur voor een bepaald merk vaccin? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h COVID258 20
Would you let yourself get vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine? Zou u zich laten vaccineren met het Pfizer/BioNTech vaccin? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h1 COVID259A 20
Would you let yourself get vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine? Zou u zich laten vaccineren met het Moderna vaccin? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h2 COVID259B 20
Would you let yourself get vaccinated with the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine? Zou u zich laten vaccineren met het AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccin? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h3 COVID259C 20
Would you let yourself get vaccinated with the Jansen vaccine? Zou u zich laten vaccineren met het Jansen vaccin? covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h4 COVID259D 20
I find the risk of thrombosis due to the astrazeneca vaccine to big to take it Ik vind het risico op trombose door het AstraZeneca vaccin te groot om hem te nemen covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h5 COVID269A 20
I estimate my risk of thrombosis due toe the astrazeneca vaccine to be larger than my risk to contract corona and get seriously ill Ik schat mijn risico op trombose door het AstraZeneca vaccin groter in dan mijn risico om corona te krijgen en daarbij ernstig ziek te worden covidvaccine_adu_q_1_h6 COVID269B 20
Do you have a fear of needles? Hebt u prikangst? fearofneedles_adu_q_1_a1-6 COVID255 20
what is the date of your additional jab (booster jab)? Wat is de datum van uw extra prik (boosterprik)? Deze kunt u terug vinden op uw vaccinatiebewijs of in de afspraakbrief. covt25_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_j covid406 25, 26
what is the date of your repeat vaccination (the fourth injection)? you can find this date on your vaccination certificate or on the appointment letter Wat is de datum van uw herhaalprik (de vierde prik)? Deze kunt u terug vinden op uw vaccinatiebewijs of in de afspraakbrief. covt27_repeatvaccine_adu_q_1 covid406a 27, 28, 29
what is the date of your repeat vaccination (in the period starting in september 2022)? you can find this date on your vaccination certificate or on the appointment letter Wat is de datum van uw herhaalprik (in de periode vanaf september 2022)? Deze kunt u terug vinden op uw vaccinatiebewijs of in de afspraakbrief. covt29_repeatvaccine_adu_q_2 covid406b 27, 28, 29
are you planning to take the repeat vaccination in the period starting in september 2022? Bent u van plan om de herhaalprik in de periode vanaf september 2022 te nemen? covt29_repeatvaccine_adu_q_2_a covid406c 29
children 0-4 years old / are you in favour of the vaccination of children? Kinderen 0-4 jaar covt25_childvaccine_adu_q_1_a1 covid393a 25
children 5-11 years old / are you in favour of the vaccination of children? Kinderen 5-11 jaar covt25_childvaccine_adu_q_1_a2 covid393b 25
children 12-15 years old / are you in favour of the vaccination of children? Kinderen 12-15 jaar covt25_childvaccine_adu_q_1_a3 covid393c 25
children 16-17 years old / are you in favour of the vaccination of children? Kinderen 16-17 jaar covt25_childvaccine_adu_q_1_a4 covid393d 25
have you had an additional jab (booster jab)? Hebt u een extra prik (boosterprik) gehad? covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_a covid340 24, 25
since the previous questionnaire, have you had an additional jab (booster jab)? Sinds de vorige vragenlijst, hebt u een extra prik (boosterprik) gehad? covt26_boostervaccine_adu_q_2_a covid340 26
which vaccin did you get for the additional jab (booster jab)? Welk vaccin voor de extra prik (boosterprik) hebt u gehad? covt25_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_i covid405 25. 26
what is the date of your additional jab (booster jab)? Wat is de datum van uw extra prik (boosterprik)? Deze kunt u terug vinden op uw vaccinatiebewijs of in de afspraakbrief. covt25_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_j covid406 25, 26
did you suffer from any side effects after the additional jab (booster jab)? Had u na de extra prik (boosterprik) last van bijwerkingen? covt25_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_k covid198c 25, 26
did you stay home from work, because of the side effects of the vaccine? / did you suffer from any side effects after the additional jab (booster jab)? Bent u thuis gebleven van uw werk, door de bijwerkingen van het vaccin? covt25_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_l covid256b 25, 26
how long did you stay home from work because of the side effects of the vaccine? / did you stay home from work, because of the side effects of the vaccine? Hoe lang bent u thuisgebleven van uw werk door de bijwerkingen? covt25_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_l1 covid257b 25, 26
would you want to be vaccinated against the corona virus after all? Zou u alsnog gevaccineerd willen worden tegen het coronavirus? covt26_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_b covid341 24, 25, 26
are you worried that vaccination is not possible because of a medical disorder you may have, or because you take medication and you are not sure that they can be combined? Maakt u zich zorgen dat vaccineren niet kan door een eventuele medische aandoening die u hebt of omdat u medicijnen slikt waarvan u niet weet of dit gecombineerd kan worden met het coronavaccin? covt25_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_b covid382 24, 25
do you want an additional jab (booster jab) against the corona virus? Wilt u een extra prik (boosterprik) tegen het coronavirus? covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_c covid342 24, 25
why do/did you want an additional jab (booster jab) against the corona virus? Waarom wilt/wilde u een extra prik (boosterprik) tegen het coronavirus? Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_d1 covid343 24, 25
why do/did you not want an additional jab (booster jab) against the corona virus? Waarom wilt u geen extra prik (boosterprik) tegen het coronavirus? Meedere antwoorden mogelijk covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_e1 covid344 24, 25
why are you in doubt about wanting an additional jab (booster jab) against the corona virus? Waarom twijfelt u of u een extra prik (boosterprik) tegen het coronavirus wilt? Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_f1 covid345 24
do you approve that the additional jab (booster jab) will become available for everyone in the coming period? vindt u het goed dat de extra prik (boosterprik) de komende tijd voor iedereen beschikbaar komt? covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_g covid346 24
how often are you prepared to take an additional jab (booster jab) against the corona virus? Hoe vaak bent u bereid een extra prik (boosterprik) tegen het coronavirus te nemen? covt24_boostervaccine_adu_q_1_h covid347 24
are you vaccinated because you felt you were forced to do so? bent u gevaccineerd omdat u zich hiertoe gedwongen voelde? covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_c covid348 24
do you feel forced or pressured to get vaccinated? Voelt u dwang en of drang om u te laten vaccineren? covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_d covid349 24
i do not feel well enough informed about vaccinations in general Ik voel mij niet goed genoeg geïnformeerd over vaccinaties in het algemeen covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_e covid350a 24
i do not feel well enough informed about covid vaccinations Ik voel mij niet goed genoeg geïnformeerd over coronavaccinaties covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_f covid350b 24
who do you consider to be responsible for correctly informing people about vaccinations against the corona virus? Wie is er verantwoordelijk voor het correct informeren van mensen over vaccinaties tegen het coronavirus? (meerdere antwoorden mogelijk) covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_g1 covid351 24
i am frustrated that not everyone - except for people with a medical indication - wants to get vaccinated Ik ben gefrustreerd dat niet iedereen -uitgezonderd mensen met een medische indicatie- zich wil laten vaccineren covt24_frustration_adu_q_1_d covid372 24
i am frustrated that people are pressured into getting vaccinated Ik ben gefrustreerd dat er druk gezet wordt op mensen om zich te laten vaccineren covt24_frustration_adu_q_1_e covid373 24
do you manage to react in a respectful manner to people who think differently about whether or not to vaccinate? Lukt het u om respectvol te reageren op andersdenkenden wat betreft wel/niet vaccineren? covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_h covid374 24
is there division within your social circle about whether or not to vaccinate? Is er verdeeldheid binnen uw sociale kring over wel/niet vaccineren? Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_i1 covid375 24
imagine that there is not enough place in the hospitals to treat everyone. do you feel that vaccinated people should get priority over non-vaccinated people (except people who are not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons) Stel dat er te weinig plek is in de ziekenhuizen om iedereen te kunnen behandelen. Vindt u dat gevaccineerden voorrang moeten krijgen boven niet-gevaccineerden (uitgezonderd mensen die zich om medische redenen niet kunnen laten vaccineren)? covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_j covid376 24
do you feel that non-vaccinated people are guilty of the current wave of corona infections? Vindt u dat niet-gevaccineerde mensen schuldig zijn aan de huidige golf van corona besmettingen? covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_k covid377 24
do you feel that covid vaccinations should be obligatory? Vindt u dat coronavaccinaties verplicht moeten zijn? covt24_covidvaccine_adu_q_6_m covid379 24

*sideeffects_adu_q_3_a (COVID257) - this variable is absent in variant 2 of q21

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vaccination_covid-19.1670245789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/05 14:09 by anja