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Ultra-processed food categorization according to the NOVA classification

Researchers from the University Medical Center Groningen developed the Ultra-processed food (UPF) categorization for adults according to the NOVA classification using the Food Frequency Questionnaire Sum scores from the heart of the FFQ flower (1a_questionnaire_2|1A Questionnaire 2]]). (sections: Nutrition and secondary & linked variables).

The UPF food categorization can be requested in the Lifelines catalogue or by mail ( When this data has been used in your research, you will have to include a reference to the the following paper:

Background information

Calculation of UPF categorization


Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
PSQI component 1: quality PSQI component 1: kwaliteit psqi_componentscore_adu_c_1 PSQIcomponent1 1B 18+


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upf_categorization.1665147197.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/07 14:53 by laura