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Spirometry validation and reference values

Researchers from the University Medical Center Groningen performed a validation of the Pulmonary Function Test from participants at 1A visit 1 and 2A visit 1 (sections: physical state (Pulmonary Function Test) and secondary & linked variables).

The spirometry variables can be requested in the Lifelines catalogue (coming soon) or by mail (


Spirometry is performed according to Standard Operating Procedures using the WEllch Allyn SpiroPerfect device. Judgment on technical correctness is performed by a Lifelines assistant, a pulmonologist, or both, according to a standard review procedure. Only data from pulmonary function tests that are judged to be technically correct should be used in the analyses. Technically correct is defined as:

  • Test performed according to ATS criteria or
  • Test not performed according to ATS criteria, but clinically reliable.

In case both the pulmonologist and the Lifelines assistant judged the technical correctness, the priority is given to the judgment of the pulmonologist.

Validation rules

To select only technically valid measurements the following rules were applied:

Review specialist is “ATS” (1) or “Not ATS, clinically reliable” (2)Spirometry is technically correct
Review specialist is “Not ATS, not to assess” (3) Spirometry is not technically correct
Review specialist is missing or “No announcement” (0) and Review assistant is “ATS” (1) or “Not ATS, clinically reliable” (2)Spirometry is technically correct
Review specialist is missing or “No announcement” (0) and Review assistant is “Not ATS, not to assess” (3) Spirometry is not technically correct
Other caseSpirometry is not technically correct

Reference values

Reference values based on age, height, and sex are calculated based on the Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) using the GLI provided syntax codes and databases.

Remarks UMCG researcher

  • It is important to note that ethnicity has not been taken into account. Everyone has been treated as Caucasian.
  • There are a few adults subjects with a huge difference in height between 1A visit 1 and 2A visit 1 resulting in a huge difference in reference values. It is recommended to exclude the adult subjects with a height difference of more than 5 cm using the height variable.


Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Technically valid spirometry? Technisch correcte spirometrie? spirometry_valid_all_c_1 spiro_ok 1A 2A 18+
predicted FEV1 value (liter) voorspelde FEV1 waarde (liter) fev1_predicted_all_c_1 FEV1_predicted 1A 2A 18+
predicted FEV1FVC value (liter) voorspelde FEV1FVC waarde (liter) fev1fvc_predicted_all_c_1 FEV1FVC_predicted 1A 2A 18+
predicted FVC value (liter) voorspelde FVC waarde (liter) fcv_predicted_all_c_1 FVC_predicted 1A 2A 18+
predicted FEF75 value (liter per second) voorspelde FEF75 waarde (liter per seconde) fef75_predicted_all_c_1 FEF75_predicted 1A 2A 18+
predicted FEF25_75 (liter per second) voorspelde FEF25_75 waarde (liter per seconde) fef2575_predicted_all_c_1 FEF2575_predicted 1A 2A 18+
z-score FEV1 value z-score FEV1 waarde fev1_zscore_all_c_1 FEV1_zscore 1A 2A 18+
z-score FEV1FVC value z-score FEV1FVC waarde fev1fvc_zscore_all_c_1 FEV1FVC_zscore 1A 2A 18+
z-score FVC value z-score FVC waarde fcv_zscore_all_c_1 FVC_zscore 1A 2A 18+
z-score FEF75 value z-score FEF75 waarde fef75_zscore_all_c_1 FEF75_zscore 1A 2A 18+
z-score FEF25_75 value z-score FEF25_75 waarde fef2575_zscore_all_c_1 FEF2575_zscore 1A 2A 18+
Lower limit of normal FEV1 (liter) Ondergrens van normale FEV1 (liter) fev1_lowerlimit_all_c_1 FEV1_LLN 1A 2A 18+
Lower limit of normal FEV1FVC (liter) Ondergrens van normale FEV1FVC (liter) fev1fvc_lowerlimit_all_c_1 FEV1FVC_LLN 1A 2A 18+
Upper limit of normal FEV1FVC (liter) Bovengrens van normale FEV1FVC (liter) fev1fvc_upperlimit_all_c_1 FEV1FVC_ULN 1A 2A 18+
Lower limit of normal FVC (liter) Ondergrens van normale FVC (liter) fvc_lowerlimit_all_c_1 FVC_LLN 1A 2A 18+
Lower limit of normal FEF75 (liter per second) Ondergrens van normale FEF75 (liter per seconde) fef75_lowerlimit_all_c_1 FEF75_LLN 1A 2A 18+
Lower limit of normal FEF25_75 (liter per second) Ondergrens van normale FEF25_75 (liter per seconde) fef2575_lowerlimit_all_c_1 FEF2575_LLN 1A 2A 18+
FEV1 % predicted FEV1 % voorspeld fev1_percpredicted_all_c_1 fev1pp 1A 2A 18+
FEV1FVC % predicted FEV1FVC % voorspeld fev1fvc_percpredicted_all_c_1 fev1fvcpp 1A 2A 18+
FVC % predicted FVC % voorspeld fvc_percpredicted_all_c_1 fvcpp 1A 2A 18+
FEF75 % predicted FEF75 % voorspeld fef75_percpredicted_all_c_1 fef75pp 1A 2A 18+
FEF25_75 % predicted FEF25_75 % voorspeld fef2575_percpredicted_all_c_1 fef2575pp 1A 2A 18+
change in FEV1 2A versus 1A (liter per year) verandering in FEV1 2A versus 1A (liter per jaar) fev1_change_all_c_1 dfev1 1A 2A 18+
change in FEV1FVC 2A versus 1A (liter per year) verandering in FEV1FVC 2A versus 1A (liter per jaar) fev1fvc_change_all_c_1 dfev1fvc 1A 2A 18+
change in FVC 2A versus 1A (liter per year) verandering in FVC1 2A versus 1A (liter per jaar) fvc_change_all_c_1 dfvc 1A 2A 18+
change in FEF75 2A versus 1A (liter per second per year) verandering in FEF75 2A versus 1A (liter per seconde per jaar) fef75_change_all_c_1 dfef75 1A 2A 18+
change in FEF25_75 2A versus 1A (liter per second per year) verandering in FEF25_75 2A versus 1A (liter per seconde per jaar) fef2575_change_all_c_1 dfef2575 1A 2A 18+
difference in body length adults 2A versus 1A verschil in lichaamslengte volwassenen 2A versus 1A spirometry_bodylength_all_c_1 heightdifference_adults 1A 2A 18+
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spirometry_validation.1618499712.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/15 17:15 by trynke