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Sex & gender

Lifelines repeatedly asked participants about their biological sex (it is, in fact, a default question in most questionnaires) (section: demographics).
More recently, participants were asked to provide information about their (psychological) gender.
In addition, a “gender index” score was calculated for all adult participants based on their self-reported feminine characteristics.

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
What is your gender? Wat is uw geslacht? GENDER Default question 18+
Are you a boy or a girl? Ben je een jongen of een meisje?
ACHGENDER Default question 13-17
What is your child's gender? Wat is het geslacht van uw kind? CHGENDERP Default question 0-17
Could you indicate which description fits you the best? Zou u hieronder kunnen aangeven welke beschrijving het beste bij u past? GENDER002 AUTQ 3A 18+
Specification other: / Could you indicate which description fits you the best? Specificatie anders, nl. / Zou u hieronder kunnen aangeven welke beschrijving het beste bij u past? GENDER002TXT AUTQ 3A 18+
Could you indicate, with a number between 0 and 100, to what extent you feel “female”? Kunt u, met een getal tussen 0 en 100, aangeven in hoeverre u zich ‘vrouw’ voelt? GENDER003A1 AUTQ 3A 18+
Could you indicate, with a number between 0 and 100, to what extent you feel “male”? Kunt u, met een getal tussen 0 en 100, aangeven in hoeverre u zich ‘man’ voelt? GENDER003B1 AUTQ 3A 18+
Sum score of feminine characteristics1) Sum score van vrouwelijke eigenschappen GENDERINDEX Sum score 18+
Ballering et al. (2020). Gender and sex independently associate with common somatic symptoms and lifetime prevalence of chronic disease. Soc Science Med 253, 112968
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sex_gender.1591794024.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/10 15:00 by trynke