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Pre- and perinatal period (<18)

The parents of underage Lifelines participants were asked about the lifestyle of the mother of the participant while she was pregnant with the participant (section: reproduction & development).
In addition, adult female participants were asked about their lifestyle while pregnant, in the context of an additional questionnaire about female reproductive health (ROAQ). Similar variables were (also) collected in our birth cohort, NEXT.
Adult Lifelines participants were asked about their own birth (section: reproduction & development).
In addition, parents were asked about the birth of underage participants.
Note that some additional questions about childbirth were asked in an additional questionnaire on female reproduction, ROAQ.
The parents of underage Lifelines participants were asked about the environmental exposures experienced by the mother of the participant while she was pregnant with the participant (section: reproduction & development).
In addition, adult female participants were asked about the environmental exposures they experienced while pregnant, in the context of an additional questionnaire about female reproductive health (ROAQ). Similar variables were (also) collected in our birth cohort, NEXT.


Birth of child participant

Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
i don't know/don't remember / what was the apgar score 1 minute after birth? weet ik niet (meer) / wat was de apgarscore 1 minuut na de geboorte? apgar_1minute_ch0_q_1_a chbirth13 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
score: xx / what was the apgar score 1 minute after birth? score: xx / wat was de apgarscore 1 minuut na de geboorte? apgar_1minute_ch0_q_1_b chbirth13a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
what was the apgar score 1 minute after birth? wat was de apgarscore 1 minuut na de geboorte? apgar_1minute_ch0_q_1_c chbirth13a1 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
i don't know/don't remember / what was the apgar score 5 minutes after the birth? weet ik niet (meer) / wat was de apgarscore 5 minuten na de geboorte? apgar_5minutes_ch0_q_1_a chbirth14 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
score: xx / what was the apgar score 5 minutes after the birth? score: xx / wat was de apgarscore 5 minuten na de geboorte? apgar_5minutes_ch0_q_1_b chbirth14a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
what was the apgar score 5 minute after birth? wat was de apgarscore 5 minuten na de geboorte? apgar_5minutes_ch0_q_1_c chbirth14a1 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
did the child have one or more defects at birth? had het kind bij de geboorte één of meer aangeboren afwijkingen? birth_defects_ch0_q_1 chbirth23 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
specification of congenital defect / did the child have one or more defects at birth? specificatie aangeboren afwijking / had het kind bij de geboorte één of meer aangeboren afwijkingen? birth_defects_ch0_q_1_a chbirth23txt 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how tall was your child when it was born? wat was de lengte van uw kind bij de geboorte? birthlength_general_ch0_q_1 chbirth11 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
approximately xx cm / how tall was your child when it was born? ongeveer xx aantal cm / wat was de lengte van uw kind bij de geboorte? birthlength_approximate_ch0_q_1 chbirth11b 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
exactly xx cm / how tall was your child when it was born? precies xx cm / wat was de lengte van uw kind bij de geboorte? birthlength_exact_ch0_q_1 chbirth11a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how much did your child weigh at birth? wat was het gewicht van uw kind bij de geboorte? birthweight_general_ch0_q_1 chbirth10 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
approximately xx grams / how much did your child weigh when it was born? ongeveer xx gram / wat was het gewicht van uw kind bij de geboorte? birthweight_approximate_ch0_q_1 chbirth10b 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
exactly xx grams / how much did your child weigh when it was born? precies xx gram / wat was het gewicht van uw kind bij de geboorte? birthweight_exact_ch0_q_1 chbirth10a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how often did your child cry during the first 6 months after birth? hoeveel huilde uw kind in de eerste 6 maanden na de geboorte? crying_frequency_ch0_q_1 chbirth24 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
was your child born via a caesarian section, was this caesarian section planned and what was the reason for the caesarian section? is uw kind via een keizersnee geboren, was deze keizersnee van te voren gepland en wat was de reden voor de keizersnee? delivery_caesarian_ch0_q_1 chbirth7 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
specification of reason for planned caesarian section / what was the reason for the caesarian ection? specificatie reden geplande keizersnee / wat was de reden voor de keizersnee? delivery_caesarian_ch0_q_1_a chbirth7a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
specification of reason for emergency caesarian section / what was the reason for the caesarian section? specificatie reden niet geplande keizersnee / wat was de reden voor de keizersnee? delivery_caesarian_ch0_q_1_b chbirth7b 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
was your child born in hospital? werd uw kind in het ziekenhuis geboren? delivery_hospital_ch0_q_1 chbirth2 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
was labour induced or did you receive any labour-inducing medication during labour? werd de bevalling ingeleid of heeft u tijdens de bevalling weeënopwekkend medicatie gekregen? delivery_induction_ch0_q_1 chbirth4 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
was there meconium in the amniotic fluid (had the child pooped in the amniotic fluid)? was het vruchtwater meconiumhoudend (had het kind in het vruchtwater gepoept?) delivery_meconium_ch0_q_1 chbirth8 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
had your water broken longer than 24 hours before the child was born? waren de vruchtvliezen al langer dan 24 uur gebroken voor het kind geboren werd? delivery_membranes_ch0_q_1 chbirth6 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
was your child given oxygen immediately after birth? heeft uw kind vlak na de geboorte zuurstof toegediend gekregen? delivery_oxygen_ch0_q_1 chbirth15 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how did the child present during the delivery? hoe was de ligging van het kind tijdens de bevalling? delivery_position_ch0_q_1 chbirth5 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how was your child born? hoe werd uw kind geboren? delivery_type_ch0_q_1 chbirth3 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
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1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17

Prenetal environment and lifestyle

Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
did the mother drink alcohol during months 1 to 3 (first trimester) of the pregnancy? heeft de moeder tijdens maand 1 t/m 3 (de eerste 3 maanden) van de zwangerschap alcohol gedronken? alcohol_trimester1_chi_q_1 chpreg12 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how many glasses per week on average / did the mother drink alcohol during months 1 to 3 (first trimester) of the pregnancy? hoeveel glazen gemiddeld per week / heeft de moeder tijdens maand 1 t/m 3 (de eerste 3 maanden) van de zwangerschap alcohol gedronken? alcohol_trimester1_chi_q_1_a chpreg12a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
did the mother drink alcohol during months 4 to 6 (second trimester) of the pregnancy? heeft de moeder tijdens maand 4 t/m 6 (de middelste 3 maanden) van de zwangerschap alcohol gedronken? alcohol_trimester2_chi_q_1 chpreg13 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how many glasses per week on average / did the mother drink alcohol during months 4 to 6 (second trimester) of the pregnancy? hoeveel glazen gemiddeld per week / heeft de moeder tijdens maand 4 t/m 6 (de middelste 3 maanden) van de zwangerschap alcohol gedronken? alcohol_trimester2_chi_q_1_a chpreg13a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
did the mother drink alcohol during months 7 to 9 (third trimester) of the pregnancy? heeft de moeder tijdens maand 7 t/m 9 (de laatste 3 maanden) van de zwangerschap alcohol gedronken? alcohol_trimester3_chi_q_1 chpreg14 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
how many glasses per week on average / did the mother drink alcohol during months 7 to 9 (third trimester) of the pregnancy? hoeveel glazen gemiddeld per week / heeft de moeder tijdens maand 7 t/m 9 (de laatste 3 maanden) van de zwangerschap alcohol gedronken? alcohol_trimester3_chi_q_1_a chpreg14a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
for how many months of the pregnancy did the mother work? gedurende hoeveel maanden van de zwangerschap heeft de moeder gewerkt? employment_pregnancy_chi_q_1 chpreg19 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
i don't know/don't remember / during how many months of the pregnancy did the mother work? weet ik niet (meer) / gedurende hoeveel maanden van de zwangerschap heeft de moeder gewerkt? employment_pregnancy_chi_q_1_a chpreg19a 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
did the mother work during the pregnancy? werkte de moeder tijdens de zwangerschap? employment_pregnancy_chi_q_1_b chpreg19b 1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
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1A Birth Questionnaire 0-17
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pre-_and_perinatal_period_18.1692283377.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/17 16:42 by laura