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Postpartum health

The following variables about health problems after childbirth (section: reproduction & development) experienced by adult female Lifelines participants were collected in the context of an additional questionnaire about female reproductive health (ROAQ).
Similar variables were (also) collected in our birth cohort, NEXT.

Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
did you still have complaints related to the pregnancy/labor and delivery one year after the last time you gave birth (or currently, if the last time you gave birth was less than a year ago)? Had u een jaar na uw laatste bevalling (of op dit moment als u korter dan een jaar geleden bent bevallen) nog klachten die gerelateerd waren/zijn aan de bevalling dan wel zwangerschap? postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1 LABORH ROAQ 18+
which of the following complaints did you suffer from [one year after your last labor and delivery] Van welk van de onderstaande klachten had u last [een jaar na uw laatste bevalling]?
urinary incontinence Ongewild urineverlies postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_a LABORH1 ROAQ 18+
fecal incontinence Ongewild ontlastingsverlies postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_b LABORH2 ROAQ 18+
pelvic complaints Bekkenklachten postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_c LABORH3 ROAQ 18+
sexual complaints that make intercourse painful or difficult Seksuele klachten die gemeenschap pijnlijk maken of belemmeren postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_d LABORH4 ROAQ 18+
sexual complaints because of loss of sensation during intercourse Seksuele klachten vanwege gevoelsverlies bij het vrijen postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_e LABORH5 ROAQ 18+
being overweight Overgewicht postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_f LABORH6 ROAQ 18+
prolapsed uterus Verzakking van baarmoeder postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_g LABORH7 ROAQ 18+
varicose veins Spataderen postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_h LABORH8 ROAQ 18+
haemorrhoids Aambeien postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_i LABORH9 ROAQ 18+
constipation Obstipatie postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_j LABORH10 ROAQ 18+
mental problems Psychische problemen postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_k LABORH11 ROAQ 18+
other complaints: Anders, nl: postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_l LABORH12 ROAQ 18+
specification other complaints specificatie andere klachten postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_l1 LABORH12TXT ROAQ 18+
which mental problems did you have [one year after your last labor and delivery]? Welke psychische problemen had u [een jaar na uw laatste bevalling]?
anxiety disorder / Angststoornis postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_a LABORI1 ROAQ 18+
(postnatal) depression disorder (Postnatale) depressie stoornis postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_b LABORI2 ROAQ 18+
manic depression Manisch depressiviteit postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_c LABORI3 ROAQ 18+
post-traumatic stress disorder Post-traumatische stress stoornis postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_d LABORI4 ROAQ 18+
other mental problem: Anders, nl. postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_e LABORI5 ROAQ 18+
specification other mental problem specificatie andere psychische problemen postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_f LABORI5TXT ROAQ 18+
which treatment(s) did you receive to resolve the complaints reported above? Wat voor behandeling(en) hebt u gehad om bovenstaande klacht(en) te verhelpen?
no treatment, i still have complaints Geen behandeling, ik heb nog steeds klachten postpartum_treatment_adu_q_1 LABORI6 ROAQ 18+
no treatment, but the complaints went away Geen behandeling, maar de klacht(en) zijn overgegaan postpartum_treatment_adu_q_2 LABORI7 ROAQ 18+
surgery Operatie postpartum_treatment_adu_q_3 LABORI8 ROAQ 18+
physical therapy Fysiotherapie postpartum_treatment_adu_q_4 LABORI9 ROAQ 18+
medication Medicatie postpartum_treatment_adu_q_5 LABORI10 ROAQ 18+
treatment with a psychologist Behandeling bij een psycholoog postpartum_treatment_adu_q_6 LABORI11 ROAQ 18+
treatment with a sexologist Behandeling bij een seksuoloog postpartum_treatment_adu_q_7 LABORI12 ROAQ 18+
other treatment: Anders, nl. postpartum_treatment_adu_q_8 LABORI13 ROAQ 18+
specification other treatment specificatie andere behandeling postpartum_treatment_adu_q_9 LABORI13TXT ROAQ 18+
how many months after giving birth could you be sexually active without pain? Hoeveel maanden na de bevalling kon u weer seksueel actief zijn zonder pijnklachten? postpartum_sexual_adu_q_1 LABORJ ROAQ 18+
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postpartum_health.1727076545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/23 09:29 by trynke