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Parental bonding (MIDUS)

The aim of the national survey of midlife development in the United States (MIDUS), first conducted in 1995/1996, was to investigate the role of behavioral, psychological, and social factors in health and well-being.

The MIDUS was implemented in Lifelines in the context of an additional assessment: MHDQ. The included questions are about the relationship with your parents while growing up. This questionnaire was not validated and translated by Lifelines.
Note that parental bonding was also assessed in adolescent and adult participants in the context of another additional questionnare (OPBQ) using the PBI.


Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
how would you rate your relationship with your father during the years you were growing up? hoe was de relatie met uw vader in de jaren dat u opgroeide? midus_father_adu_q_1_a dend37 MHDQ 18+
how much did your father understand your problems and worries? hoe goed begreep uw vader uw problemen en zorgen? midus_father_adu_q_1_b dend38 MHDQ 18+
how much could you confide in your father about things that were bothering you? hoe goed kon u uw vader in vertrouwen nemen over dingen die u dwars zaten? midus_father_adu_q_1_c dend39 MHDQ 18+
how much love and affection did your father give you? hoeveel liefde en genegenheid heeft uw vader u gegeven? midus_father_adu_q_1_d dend40 MHDQ 18+
how much time and attention did your father give you when you needed it? hoeveel tijd en aandacht gaf uw vader u als u dat nodig had? midus_father_adu_q_1_e dend41 MHDQ 18+
how much effort did your father put into watching over you and making sure you had a good upbringing? hoeveel moeite deed uw vader om op u te letten en er zeker van te zijn dat u een goede opvoeding kreeg? midus_father_adu_q_1_f dend42 MHDQ 18+
how much did your father teach you about life? hoeveel heeft uw vader u geleerd over het leven? midus_father_adu_q_1_g dend43 MHDQ 18+
how would you rate your relationship with your mother during the years you were growing up? hoe was de relatie met uw moeder in de jaren dat u opgroeide? midus_mother_adu_q_1_a dend30 MHDQ 18+
how much did your mother understand your problems and worries? hoe goed begreep uw moeder uw problemen en zorgen? midus_mother_adu_q_1_b dend31 MHDQ 18+
how much could you confide in your mother about things that were bothering you? hoe goed kon u uw moeder in vertrouwen nemen over dingen die u dwars zaten? midus_mother_adu_q_1_c dend32 MHDQ 18+
how much love and affection did your mother give you? hoeveel liefde en genegenheid heeft uw moeder u gegeven? midus_mother_adu_q_1_d dend33 MHDQ 18+
how much time and attention did your mother give you when you needed it? hoeveel tijd en aandacht gaf uw moeder u als u dat nodig had? midus_mother_adu_q_1_e dend34 MHDQ 18+
how much effort did your mother put into watching over you and making sure you had a good upbringing? hoeveel moeite deed uw moeder om op u te letten en er zeker van te zijn dat u een goede opvoeding kreeg? midus_mother_adu_q_1_f dend35 MHDQ 18+
how much did your mother teach you about life? hoeveel heeft uw moeder u geleerd over het leven? midus_mother_adu_q_1_g dend36 MHDQ 18+
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parental_bonding_midus.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 10:56 by trynke