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MINI Derivatives

Results from the Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) performed among adult Lifelines participants at general assessments 1A and 2A were processed into derivatives by the University Center of Psychiatry, according to the manual for MINI version 5.0.0.
These derivatives should be used to define if a participant meets the criteria for a certain psychiatric diagnosis (sections: mental health and secondary & linked variables).

MINI Versions

Derivatives are available for all Lifelines versions of the MINI.
Note that MINI v1 differs significantly from the other versions in that the available derivatives pertain to 'last year' instead of 'current' diagnoses and were made in R. For all other versions derivates have been calculated using SPSS syntax.
For the (digital) MINI v4 used in assessment 2A, items that were subdivided from the original MINI v2-v3 items were rejoined, which made calculations of derivatives and comparison with the other versions possible.


Diagnoses English Diagnoses Dutch Variable MINI version Age
Last-year major depression Klinische depressie in afgelopen jaar MDD_year 1 18+
Last-year dysthymia Dysthymie in afgelopen jaar DYS_year 1 18+
Last-year generalized anxiety diagnosis Gegeneraliseerde angststoornis in afgelopen jaar GAD_year 1 18+
Last-year agoraphobia Agorafobie in afgelopen jaar AGPH_year 1 18+
Last-year social phobia Sociale fobie in afgelopen jaar SPH_year 1 18+
Current major depression Huidige klinische depressie MDD 2-4 18+
Current dysthymia Huidige dysthymie DYS 2-4 18+
Current generalized anxiety diagnosis Huidige gegeneraliseerde angststoornis GAD 2-4 18+
Current panic disorder Huidige paniekstoornis PD 2-4 18+
Current agoraphobia Huidige agorafobie AGPH 2-4 18+
Current social phobia Huidige sociale fobie SPH 2-4 18+
Any last-year depression Depressieve stoornis in afgelopen jaar Any_Dep_year 1 18+
Any current depression Huidige depressieve stoornis Any_Dep 2-4 18+
Any last-year anxiety Angststoornis in afgelopen jaar Any_Anx_year 1 18+
Any current anxiety Huidige angststoornis Any_Anx 2-4 18+
Any last-year internalizing psychopathology Internaliserende psychopathologie in afgelopen jaar Any_IPP_year 1 18+
Any current internalizing psychopathology Huidige internaliserende psychopathologie Any_IPP 2-4 18+
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mini_derivatives.1592556215.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/19 10:43 by trynke