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Menopausal Symptoms (GCS)

The Green Climacteric Scale is a 21-item validated instrument to measure menopausal symptoms1)(section: diseases & symptoms and reproduction & development). The scale is also validated in the Dutch population 2).
In Lifelines, the scale was used in an additional assessment on Menopause & Work (MAWQ).


The GCS generates a total score and 4 domain scores (psychological, somatic, vasomotor and sexual functioning). The GCS total score is the sum of the scores obtained for each domain and ranges from 0 to 63 points; higher scores on all scales indicate more bothersome symptoms.


Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Heart beating quickly or strongly / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Aanvallen van hartkloppingen / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_palpitations_adu_q_01 OVERGANG14A MAWQ 40-67
Feeling tense or nervous / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Gespannen, gejaagd of nerveus gevoel / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_nervous_adu_q_02 OVERGANG14B MAWQ 40-67
Difficulty in sleeping / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Slaapstoornissen / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_sleepdisorders_adu_q_03 OVERGANG14C MAWQ 40-67
Excitable / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Opgewonden gevoel / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_excited_adu_q_04 OVERGANG14D MAWQ 40-67
Attacks of panic and/or feelings of anxiety / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Paniekaanvallen en/of angstig gevoel / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_anxiety_adu_q_05 OVERGANG14E MAWQ 40-67
Difficulty in concentrating / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Concentratieproblemen / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_concentration_adu_q_06 OVERGANG14F MAWQ 40-67
Feeling tired and/or lacking in energy / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Vermoeidheid en/of lusteloosheid / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_fatigue_adu_q_07 OVERGANG14G MAWQ 40-67
Loss of interest in most things / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Ongeïnteresseerdheid / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_disinterest_adu_q_08 OVERGANG14H MAWQ 40-67
Feeling unhappy and/or depressed / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Neerslachtig en/of niet gelukkig voelen / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_unhappy_adu_q_09 OVERGANG14I MAWQ 40-67
Crying spells / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Huilbuien / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_crying_adu_q_10 OVERGANG14J MAWQ 40-67
Irritability / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Snel geïrriteerd / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_irritated_adu_q_11 OVERGANG14K MAWQ 40-67
Feeling dizzy and/or fainting / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Gevoel van duizeligheid en/of flauwvallen / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_dizziness_adu_q_12 OVERGANG14L MAWQ 40-67
Pressure or tightness in head or body / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Gespannen gevoel in hoofd of lichaam / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_tense_adu_q_13 OVERGANG14M MAWQ 40-67
Parts of body and/or skin feel numb or tingling / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Tintelingen of doof gevoel in huid en/of lichaam / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_tingling_adu_q_14 OVERGANG14N MAWQ 40-67
Headaches / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Hoofdpijn / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_headache_adu_q_15 OVERGANG14O MAWQ 40-67
Muscle and/or joint pains / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Spier- en/of gewrichtspijn / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_musculoskeletal_adu_q_16 OVERGANG14P MAWQ 40-67
Loss of feeling in hands or feet / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Minder gevoel in handen en/of voeten / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_sensitivity_adu_q_17 OVERGANG14Q MAWQ 40-67
Breathing difficulties / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Ademhalingsproblemen / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_breathing_adu_q_18 OVERGANG14R MAWQ 40-67
Hot flushes / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Opvliegers / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_hotflushes_adu_q_19 OVERGANG14S MAWQ 40-67
Sweating at night / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Nachtelijk zweten / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_nightsweats_adu_q_20 OVERGANG14T MAWQ 40-67
Loss of interest in sex / Indicate to what extent you suffered from these symptoms in the last month Geen zin meer in seks / Geef aan in hoeverre u in de afgelopen maand last had van deze symptomen gcs_libido_adu_q_21 OVERGANG14U MAWQ 40-67
To what extent have you been bothered in the past month by the above symptoms while performing your daily activities (including work)? In hoeverre hebben bovenstaande symptomen u beperkt bij uw dagelijkse activiteiten (inclusief uw werk) in de afgelopen maand? gcs_limitations_adu_q_22 OVERGANG15 MAWQ 40-67
If the above symptoms hinder you in your performance at work and/or your interaction with colleagues, have you discussed this at work? For example with your manager, an occupational health & safety expert or a confidential adviser. Indien bovenstaande symptomen u beperkt hebben in uw functioneren op het werk en/of uw omgang met collega`s, hebt u dit besproken op uw werk? gcs_workfunctioning_adu_q_23 OVERGANG16 MAWQ 40-67
Greene JG (1998), Constructing a standard climacteric scale, Maturitas 29(1): 25-31
Barentsen R et al. (2001) Climacteric symptoms in a representative Dutch population sample as measured with the Greene Climacteric Scale), Maturitas 38(2): 123-128
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menopausal_symptoms_gcs.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/08 16:38 by trynke