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Learning difficulties (<18)

Parents of underage participants were asked whether their children had any learning difficulties (section: Children & Adolescents).
Note that Lifelines also asked general questions about the aducation & employment (<18) of underage participants of all ages.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Did your child have any of the following learning difficulties from the age of 8 / 13 until the present? Had uw kind in de leeftijd van 8 / 13 jaar t/m nu de volgende problemen met leren?
Poor concentration Slechte concentratie CH8/13YSCH1A 1A 4-17
Reading disability (dyslexia) Woordblindheid (dyslexie) CH8/13YSCH1B 1A 4-17
Numeracy problems (dyscalculia) Slecht kunnen rekenen (dyscalculie) CH8/13YSCH1C 1A 4-17
Difficulty keeping up Kon niet goed meekomen CH8/13YSCH1D 1A 4-17
Other learning disorder Ander leerprobleem CH8/13YSCH1E 1A 4-17
Specification other learning problem Specificatie ander leerprobleem CH8/13YSCH1E1 1A 4-17
Did your child have any of the following learning difficulties when it was between 4 and 7 / 8 and 12 / 13 and 17 years old? Had uw kind in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 7 / 8 t/m 12 / 13 t/m 17 jaar de volgende problemen met leren?
Poor concentration Slechte concentratie CH4_7/8_12/13_17YSCH1A 1A 4-17
Reading disability (dyslexia) Woordblindheid (dyslexie) CH4_7/8_12/13_17YSCH1B 1A 4-17
Numeracy problems (dyscalculia) Slecht kunnen rekenen (dyscalculie) CH4_7/8_12/13_17YSCH1C 1A 4-17
Difficulty keeping up Kon niet goed meekomen CH4_7/8_12/13_17YSCH1D 1A 4-17
Other learning disorder Ander leerprobleem CH4_7/8_12/13_17YSCH1E 1A 4-17
Specification other learning problem Specificatie ander leerprobleem CH4_7/8_12/13_17YSCH1E1 1A 4-17
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learning_difficulties_18.1702564475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/14 15:34 by simone