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hsCRP measurements

High-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) levels in Lifelines participants were determined in blood samples (section: Physical state) using three different lab-methods.
The difference between the three methods are stated in the table.

Variable code Variable name Kit name Supplier Tube type Participants
hscrp_result_all_m_1 SCRP CardioPhase hsCRP Siemens (BNII) Serum ~8k (1A)
hscrp_result_all_m_2 LCRP CardioPhase hsCRP Siemens (BNII) Heparin ~49k (1A)
hscrp_result_all_m_3 CRPH CRPL3 Roche (Modular) Heparin ~1k (1A) and ~0.5k (2A)

LRPH and CRPH only differ in the supplier. This does not have an effect on the measured values.
SCRP differs from CRPH and LCRP in the type of tube used to collect the sample. This causes differences in the measured values. SCRP values can be converted to LCRP/CRPH using the formula: SCRP = 0.92 LCRP/CRPH - 0.01.

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hscrp.1620736949.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/11 14:42 by simone