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Family functioning (FAD)

The Family Assesment Device (FAD) is an instrument to measure the structural, organizational, and transactional characteristics of families (section: children & adolescents). It is based on the McMaster Model of Family Functioning (MMFF). The full FAD consists of 60 items distributed over 6 dimensions of family functioning:

  • affective involvement
  • affective responsiveness
  • behavioral control
  • communication
  • problem solving
  • roles

plus a 7th scale to measure general family functioning. In Lifelines, only the 7th general functioning scale was implemented in the 1A and 2A Child Questionnaire.
Note that Lifelines also assessed rearing style with the EMBU questionnaire.


Parents of underage participants were asked to think of their own family when answering these questions:

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Making plans to go and do something with the family is difficult because we always misunderstand each other Plannen maken om iets met het gezin te gaan doen is moeilijk omdat we elkaar verkeerd begrijpen fad_plans_chi_q_01_a CHFAD1A 1A 2A 4-17
In times of difficulty, we can count on each other's support Wanneer er moeilijkheden zijn kunnen we op elkaars steun rekenen fad_support_chi_q_01_b CHFAD1B 1A 2A 4-17
We cannot talk to each other about our grief We kunnen niet met elkaar praten over het verdriet dat we voelen fad_grief_chi_q_01_c CHFAD1C 1A 2A 4-17
Others are accepted as they are Anderen worden geaccepteerd zoals zij zijn fad_acceptothers_chi_q_01_d CHFAD1D 1A 2A 4-17
We avoid talking about or fears and concerns We vermijden het om over onze angsten en zorgen te praten fad_concerns_chi_q_01_e CHFAD1E 1A 2A 4-17
We can express our feelings to each other Wij kunnen gevoelens naar elkaar toe uiten fad_feelings_chi_q_01_f CHFAD1F 1A 2A 4-17
There are many unpleasant, painful feelings in the family Er zijn heel wat nare, pijnlijke gevoelens in het gezin fad_painful_chi_q_01_g CHFAD1G 1A 2A 4-17
We feel accepted for who we are We voelen ons geaccepteerd zoals we zijn fad_acceptance_chi_q_01_h CHFAD1H 1A 2A 4-17
Making decisions is difficult in our family Beslissen is een probleem in ons gezin fad_decisions_chi_q_01/02_i CHFAD1I/A 1A 2A 4-17
We can reach decisions on how to solve problems We kunnen beslissingen nemen over hoe we problemen moeten oplossen fad_solveproblems_chi_q_01_j CHFAD1J 1A 2A 4-17
We do not get along We kunnen niet goed met elkaar opschieten fad_getalong_chi_q_01_k CHFAD1K 1A 2A 4-17
We trust each other We vertrouwen op elkaar fad_trust_chi_q_01_l CHFAD1L 1A 2A 4-17
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family_functioning_fad_18.1683118888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/03 15:01 by simone