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Education & Employment (<18)

Parents of underage participants were asked about the educational attainment of their children. \\Note that Lifelines also assessed learning difficulties in children.
Adolescents were asked about their educational attainment and current employment (section: Children & Adolescents).

Educational attainment children

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Did your child repeat a group in primary school? Is uw kind op de basisschool ooit blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_chi_q_1 CHSCH2 1A 4-17
If so, which group(s) did your child repeat? Zo ja, in welke groep(en) is uw kind blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_chi_q_1_a-c CHSCH2A-C 1A 4-17
group 1-8 / which group(s) did your child repeat? groep 1-8 / in welke groep(en) is uw kind blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_chi_q_1_01-08 CHSCH2D-K 2A 4-12
Did your child skip a group (class) in primary school? Heeft uw kind op de basisschool ooit een groep (klas) overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_chi_q_1 CHSCH3 1A 4-17
If so, which group(s) did your child skip? Zo ja, welke groep(en) heeft uw kind overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_chi_q_1_a-c CHSCH3A-C 1A 4-17
group 1-8 / which group(s) did your child skip? groep 1-8 / welke groep(en) heeft uw kind overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_chi_q_1_01-08 CHSCH3D-K 2A 4-12
How old was your child when it started secondary school? Hoe oud was uw kind toen het naar de middelbare school ging? secondary_startage_chi_q_1 CHSCH4 1A 2A 4-17
Is your child going to secondary school? Gaat uw kind al naar de middelbare school? secondary_current_chi_q_1 CHSCH4A 1A 2A 4-17
What type of secondary school did your child attend immediately after primary school? Naar welk type middelbare school ging uw kind direct na de basisschool? secondary_type_chi_q_1_v1/v2 CHSCH5 1A 2A 4-17
What education is your child receiving now? Wat is de opleiding waar uw kind nu op zit? school_current_chi_q_1 CHSCH6 1A 8-17
is your child in special education? volgt uw kind speciaal onderwijs? primary_special_chi_q_1 CHSCHOOL8 2A ADHQ 4-12
has your child repeated a group (class) in primary school since the last time you completed a lifelines questionnaire for your child? is uw kind sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst voor uw kind invulde op de basisschool blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_chi_q_2 CHSCHOOL9A 2A 4-12
which group or group(s) did your child repeat? in welke groep(en) is uw kind blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_chi_q_2_01/02 CHSCHOOL9B-C 2A 4-12
has your child skipped a group (class) since the last time you completed a lifelines questionnaire for your child? heeft uw kind sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst voor uw kind invulde een groep overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_chi_q_2 CHSCHOOL10A 2A 4-12
which group(s) did your child skip? welke groep(en) heeft uw kind overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_chi_q_2_01/02 CHSCHOOL10B-C 2A 4-12

Educational attainment adolescents

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
What is the highest degree you have obtained? Wat is je hoogst behaalde diploma? degree_highest_ach_q_1 ACHSCHOOL7 1A 2A 13-17
Are you in school right now? Volg je op dit moment onderwijs? education_current_ach_q_1 ACHSCHOOL8 1A 2A 13-17
Is this full-time or part-time education? Volg je deze opleiding voltijd of in deeltijd? education_current_ach_q_1_a ACHSCHOOL8A 1A 2A 13-17
What would you like to do when you have finished this school? Wat zou je graag doen als je deze opleiding hebt afgerond? education_future_ach_q_1 ACHSCHOOL9 1A 2A 13-17
how old were you when you started secondary school? hoe oud was je toen je naar de middelbare school ging? secondary_startage_ach_q_1_a ACHSCHOOL10 1A 2A 13-17
what type of secondary school did your child attend immediately after primary school? naar welk type middelbare school ging je direct na de basisschool? secondary_type_ach_q_1_b ACHSCHOOL11 1A 2A 13-17
did you repeat a year (a group) in primary school? ben je op de basisschool blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_ach_q_1 ACHSCHOOL12 1A 2A 13-17
group 1-8 / which group(s) in primary school did you repeat? groep 1-8 / in welke groep(en) van de basisschool ben je blijven zitten? primary_repeatclass_ach_q_1_01-08 ACHSCHOOL12A-H 1A 2A 13-17
did you skip a year (a group) in primary school? heb je op de basisschool een groep overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_ach_q_1 ACHSCHOOL13 1A 2A 13-17
group 1-8 / which group(s) in primary school did you skip? groep 1-8 / welke groep(en) van de basisschool heb je overgeslagen? primary_skipclass_ach_q_1_01-08 ACHSCHOOL13A-H 1A 2A 13-17
did you repeat a year (a class) in secondary school? ben je op de middelbare school blijven zitten? secondary_repeatclass_ach_q_1 ACHSCHOOL14 1A 2A 13-17
class 1-6 / which class(es) in secondary school did you repeat? klas 1-6 / in welke klas(sen) van de middelbare school ben je blijven zitten? secondary_repeatclass_ach_q_1_01-06 ACHSCHOOL14A-F 1A 2A 13-17

Current employment adolescents

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Did you have a paid job in the past month? Heb je de afgelopen maand betaald werk gehad? employment_pastmonth_ach_q_1 ACHDEMO7 1A 2A 13-17
Yes, for X hours a week on average / Did you have a paid job in the past month? Ja, gemiddeld X aantal uur per week/ Heb je de afgelopen maand betaald werk gehad? employment_pastmonth_ach_q_1_a ACHDEMO7B 1A 2A 13-17
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education_employment_18.1669899275.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/01 13:54 by simone