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Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-10)

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-10) is the short form of the full 50-item AQ. It was developed by the Autism Research Center of the University of Cambridge (UK) with the aim to investigate whether adults of average intelligence have symptoms of autism spectrum conditions.
The instrument is not intended to diagnose autism.


Participants were asked to indicate their agreement with the following 10 statements (definitely agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree, definitely disagree):

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Which phrase best reflects your own state of health today? Welke zin past het beste bij uw eigen gezondheidstoestand vandaag?
Mobility Mobiliteit INFCARE18A 2A INFQ NEXT ACTQ 18+
Self-care Zelfzorg INFCARE18B 2A INFQ NEXT ACTQ 18+
Daily activities Dagelijkse activiteiten INFCARE18C 2A INFQ NEXT ACTQ 18+
Pain/complaints Pijn/klachten INFCARE18D 2A INFQ NEXT ACTQ 18+
Mood Stemming INFCARE18E 2A INFQ NEXT ACTQ 18+
Rating health status in number (0 = poorest conceivable health status 100 = best conceivable health status) Waardering gezondheidstoestand in getal ( 0 = slechtst voorstelbare gezondheidstoestand 100= Best voorstelbare gezondheidstoestand) INFCARE19 2A INFQ NEXT ACTQ 18+
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autism_spectrum_aq-10.1591869400.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/11 11:56 by trynke