Table of Contents

Menopause and Work (MAWQ)

The Menopause & Work questionnaire is an additional assessment among female Lifelines participants aged 40 to 67 years with a paid job.
The digital questionnaire was developed at the initiative of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
The goal of this assessment was to get insight into the prevalence of (various) menopausal symptoms in working women and into menopausal symptoms associated with negative work-related outcomes.
The questionnaire contained all or some questions from the following instruments:

The MAWQ data can be requested through the lifelines data catalogue (assessment mawq).

Protocol & response

The digital questionnaire was sent out between May 10th and May 21st 2021.
~34,000 female Lifelines participants between 40 and 67 years old received the questionnaire, of which ~15,000 participants (44%) responded.


In addition to the instruments mentioned above, the MAWQ contained the following variables:

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Subsection Age
do you do paid work, even if that is only for one or a few hours a week? doet u nu betaald werk, ook al is het maar voor één of enkele uren per week ? employment_current_adu_q_1 WORK2A2 employment status 40-67
how many hours per week do you do paid work on average? (xx hours) hoeveel uren besteedt u gemiddeld per week aan betaald werk? (xx uur) workweek_hours_adu_q_1 WORK11 employment status 40-67
To what extent are you satisfied with your work all together? In hoeverre bent u, alles bij elkaar genomen, tevreden met uw werk? work_satisfaction_adu_q_1 OVERGANG2 work psychology (general) 40-67
Until what age do you want to continue working? Tot welke leeftijd wilt u doorgaan met werken? retirement_prognosis_adu_q_1_a OVERGANG11 work psychology (general) 40-67
Until what age do you think you will be able -physically and mentally- to continue your current work? Tot welke leeftijd denkt u, lichamelijk en geestelijk, in staat te zijn om uw huidige werk voort te zetten? retirement_prognosis_adu_q_1_b OVERGANG12 work psychology (general) 40-67
Are you still menstruating? Menstrueert u nog? cycle_current_adu_q_3 OVERGANG13 menstruation 40-67
Do you smoke? Rookt u? smoking_current_adu_q_2 OVERGANG17 smoking & tobacco use 40-67
How many days a week do you on average exercise for at least 30 minutes in your leisure time? Op gemiddeld hoeveel dagen per week beweegt u tenminste 30 minuten in uw vrije tijd? activity_perweek_adu_q_1_a OVERGANG18 physical activity (general) 40-67
How many days a week do you on average engage in sports or vigorous physical activities in your leisure time that last long enough to get sweaty? Op gemiddeld hoeveel dagen per week beoefent u in uw vrije tijd inspannende sporten of zware lichamelijke activiteiten, die lang genoeg duren om bezweet te raken? activity_perweek_adu_q_1_b OVERGANG19 physical activity (general) 40-67
How many glasses of alcohol do you drink per week on average? Hoeveel glazen alcohol drinkt u gemiddeld per week? alcoholuse_amount_adu_q_1 OVERGANG20 alcohol use 40-67
Do you provide (informal) care to someone close to you with a health problem in your private life? Verleent u in uw privé-situatie (mantel)zorg aan een naaste met een gezondheidsprobleem? care_presence_adu_q_2 OVERGANG22A informal care 40-67
How many hours per week do you provide (informal) care? Hoeveel uren (mantel)zorg verleent u per week? care_presence_adu_q_2_a OVERGANG22B informal care 40-67
Do you work night shifts? Werkt u nachtdiensten? nightshifts_current_adu_q_1 OVERGANG23 shiftwork 40-67
Are you the breadwinner, the one who earns the most, of your household? Bent u kostwinner, diegene die het meeste verdient, van uw huishouden? income_breadwinner_adu_q_1 OVERGANG24 income 40-67
do you suffer from one or more longlasting or chronic diseases (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, lung disease or cancer)? Hebt u één of meerdere langdurige of chronische aandoeningen (bijvoorbeeld suikerziekte, hoge bloeddruk, reuma, longziekte, of kanker)? chronicdisease_current_adu_q_1 OVERGANG26 diseases (other) 40-67
Are you currently using estrogens or other female hormones? Gebruikt u nu oestrogenen of andere vrouwelijke hormonen? hormonal_treatment_adu_q_4 OVERGANG27 medication 40-67
Which individuals do you currently live with (for at least half of the time)? Met welke personen woont u momenteel samen (voor minimaal de helft van de tijd)? inhouse_persons_adu_q_1 OVERGANG28 household composition 40-67