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Menopausal Symptoms (GCS)

The Green Climacteric Scale is a 21-item validated instrument to measure menopausal symptoms1). The scale is also validated in the Dutch population 2).
In Lifelines, the scale was used in an additional assessment on Menopause & Work (MAWQ).


The GCS generates a total score and 4 domain scores (psychological, somatic, vasomotor and sexual functioning). The GCS total score is the sum of the scores obtained for each domain and ranges from 0 to 63 points; higher scores on all scales indicate more bothersome symptoms.


Greene JG (1998), Constructing a standard climacteric scale, Maturitas 29(1): 25-31
Barentsen R et al. (2001) Climacteric symptoms in a representative Dutch population sample as measured with the Greene Climacteric Scale), Maturitas 38(2): 123-128
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menopausal_symptoms_gcs.1625731995.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/08 10:13 by trynke