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Health anxiety (Whitely Index)

The Whitely Index1) was implemented in Lifelines to assess hypochondriasis among participants (section: wellbeing & subjective health). The Whitely Index contains 14 true-false statements about the subjective perception of health.
Note that subjective health of Lifelines participants was also assessed using various general questions.


Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Do you often worry about the possibility that you have got a serious illness? Maakt u zich vaak zorgen over de mogelijkheid dat u een ernstige ziekte hebt? whitely_worry_adu_q_01 WI1 2B 18+
Are you bothered by many pains and aches? Hebt u last van veel pijntjes? whitely_aches_adu_q_02 WI2 2B 18+
Do you find that you are often aware of various things happening in your body? Vindt u dat u zich vaak bewust bent van dingen die zich in uw lichaam afspelen? whitely_consciousness_adu_q_03 WI3 2B 18+
Do you worry a lot about your health? Maakt u zich vaak zorgen om uw gezondheid? whitely_worry_adu_q_04 WI4 2B 18+
Do you often have the symptoms of very serious illnesses? Hebt u vaak de verschijnselen van zeer ernstige ziektes? whitely_symptoms_adu_q_05 WI5 2B 18+
If a disease is brought to your attention (through the radio, television, newspapers or someone you know), do you worry about getting it yourself? Als een ziekte onder uw aandacht wordt gebracht (door de radio, televisie, kranten, of iemand die u kent) maakt u zich dan zorgen dat u het zelf krijgt? whitely_worry_adu_q_06 WI6 2B 18+
If you feel ill and someone tells you that you are looking better, do you become annoyed? Als u zich ziek voelt en iemand vertelt u dat u er beter uitziet, raakt u dan geïrriteerd? whitely_irritation_adu_q_07 WI7 2B 18+
Do you find that you are bothered by many different symptoms? Vindt u dat u last hebt van veel verschillende klachten? whitely_complaints_adu_q_08 WI8 2B 18+
Is it easy for you to forget about yourself, and think about all sorts of other things? Is het gemakkelijk voor u om uzelf te vergeten en aan allerlei andere dingen te denken? whitely_distraction_adu_q_09 WI9 2B 18+
Is it hard for you to believe the doctor when he or she tells you there is nothing for you to worry about? Is het moeilijk voor u om de dokter te geloven wanneer hij of zij u vertelt dat er voor u niets is om u zorgen over te maken? whitely_believe_adu_q_10 WI10 2B 18+
Do you get the feeling that people are not taking your illness seriously enough? Krijgt u het gevoel dat mensen uw ziekte niet serieus genoeg nemen? whitely_serious_adu_q_11 WI11 2B 18+
Do you think that you worry about your health more than most people? Denkt u dat u zich meer zorgen maakt over uw gezondheid dan de meeste mensen? whitely_worry_adu_q_12 WI12 2B 18+
Do you think there is something seriously wrong with your body? Denkt u dat er iets ernstig mis is met uw lichaam? whitely_body_adu_q_13 WI13 2B 18+
Are you afraid of illness? Bent u bang voor ziekte? whitely_fear_adu_q_14 WI14 2B 18+
Pilowsky I. (1967) Dimensions of hypochondriasis. Br J Psychiatry 113: 39-43
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health_anxiety_whitely_index.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/05 09:18 by trynke