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Diet Scores

Lifelines participants filled in extensive Food Frequency Questionnaires to assess their diet and nutrient intake. The FFQ results in a large quantity of detailed raw data, which require extensive specialized processing and calculations to yield scientifically valid sum scores section: secondary & linked variables.
There are multiple types of diet sum scores that can be derived from the FFQ. Lifelines offers two types:

  1. The Lifelines Diet Score (LLDS), developed by the UMCG department of epidemiology, is a fully food-based and evidence-based tool to assess relative diet quality. Its highest scores represent diets expected to be most beneficial in light of the prevention of nutrition-related chronic diseases;

Comparison of the LLDS and DHD

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diet_scores.1654767492.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/09 11:38 by trynke