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Biosamples: blood

The following variables were assessed in the plasma of fresh blood samples collected from Lifelines participants during 1A Visit 2 and 2A Visit 2 (section: physical state).
Assessments were performed at the laboratory center of the University Medical Center Groningen that is certified according to NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and NEN-EN-ISO 15189:2012 standards.
For more information about individual assays, see here.
Note that additional analyses were performed on urine samples collected on the same day.
High-sensitivity CRP was analysed using 3 methods, follow the link for more detail.

English Code Variable N at 1A N at 2A N at 3A Age Report to GP?
Has the participant been fasting? fasting_participant_all_q_1 NUCHTER ~156k ~111k ~81k 8+
the blood sample obtained within 24h (before or after) the 24h urine sample blood_urine24h_all_m_1 BL_24H ~131k ~99k ~78k 18+
the blood sample obtained within 24h (before or after) the early morning spot urine sample blood_urineems_all_m_1 BL_EMS ~42k - - 18+
the blood sample obtained within 24h (before or after) the timed overnight urine sample? blood_urineto_all_m_1 BL_TO ~7.5k ~5.2k ~1.6k 8 – 17
Basophilic Granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) basoconc_result_all_m_1 BA ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+
Basophilic Granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (%) basoperc_result_all_m_1 BAP ~156k ~75k ~81k 8+
Erythrocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E12/L) erythrocyte_result_all_m_1 ER ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Erythroblasts in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) erythroblconc_result_all_m_1 EBT - ~110k ~81k 8+
Erythroblasts in EDTA Sysmex (%) erythroblperc_result_all_m_1 NRBP - ~100 ~81k 8+
Eosinophilic Granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) eosinoconc_result_all_m_1 EO ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+
Eosinophilic Granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (%) eosinoperc_result_all_m_1 EOP ~156k ~75k ~81k 8+
Immature granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) imgranconc_result_all_m_1 IG - ~110k ~81k 8+
Immature granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (%) imgranperc_result_all_m_1 IGP - ~75k ~81k 8+
Leukocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) leukocyte_result_all_m_1 LE ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Lymphocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) lymphoconc_result_all_m_1 LY ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+
Lymphocytes in EDTA Sysmex (%) lymphoperc_result_all_m_1 LYP ~156k ~75k ~81k 8+
Mononuclear Cells in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) monoconc_result_all_m_1 MO ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+
Mononuclear Cells in EDTA Sysmex (%) monoperc_result_all_m_1 MOP ~156k ~75k ~81k 8+
Neutrophilic Granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) neutroconc_result_all_m_1 GR ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+
Neutrophilic Granulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (%) neutroperc_result_all_m_1 GRP ~156k ~75k ~81k 8+
Thrombocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) thrombocyte_result_all_m_1 TR ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Reticulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (10E9/L) reticuloconc_result_all_m_1 RE - ~29k - 8+
Reticulocytes in EDTA Sysmex (‰) reticuloprom_result_all_m_1 REP - ~29k - 8+
Platelet large cell ratio in EDTA Sysmex PLCR - - ~81k 8+
Hematocrit in EDTA Sysmex (L/L) hematocrit_result_all_m_1 HT ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Hemoglobin in EDTA Sysmex (mmol/L) hemoglobin_result_all_m_1 HB ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
HbA1c in EDTA Sysmex (%) hba1cperc_result_all_m_1 HBAC ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
HbA1c in EDTA Sysmex (mmol/mol) hba1cconc_result_all_m_1 HB1C ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (mmol/L) mcc_result_all_m_1 MCC - ~110k ~81k 8+
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (amol) mch_result_all_m_1 MCH - ~110k ~81k 8+
Mean corpuscular volume (fl) mcv_result_all_m_1 MCV - ~110k ~81k 8+
Plateletcrit (L/L) pct_result_all_m_1 PCT - ~81k 8+
Red cell distribution width (%) rdw_result_all_m_1 RDW - ~110k ~81k 8+
Surface of the red cell distribution width (%) rdws_result_all_m_1 ~81k 8+
Mean platelet volume (fl) mpv_result_all_m_1 MPV - ~75k ~81k 8+
Platelet distribution width (%) pdw_result_all_m_1 PDW - ~75k ~81k 8+
Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (amol) rethe_result_all_m_1 RETH - ~29k - 8+
Difference between reticulocyte and erythrocyte hemoglobin content (amol) deltahe_result_all_m_1 RETD - ~29k - 8+
Immature platelet fraction (%) ipf_result_all_m_1 OTBF - ~29k - 8+
Immature reticulocyte fraction (%) irf_result_all_m_1 OREF - ~29k - 8+
Glucose in NaF (mmol/L) glucose_result_all_m_1 GLU ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Potassium in heparin (mmol/L) potassium_result_all_m_1 K ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Creatinine in heparin (umol/L) creatinine_result_all_m_1 BKR ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Chloride in heparin (mmol/L) chloride_result_all_m_1 CL - ~110k ~81k 8+
Cholesterol total in heparin (mmol/L) cholesterol_result_all_m_1 CHO ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
HDL Cholesterol in heparin (mmol/L) hdlchol_result_all_m_1 HDC ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
LDL Cholesterol in heparin (mmol/L) ldlchol_result_all_m_1 LDC ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Triglycerides in heparin (mmol/L) triglyceride_result_all_m_1 TGL ~156k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Sodium in heparin (mmol/L) sodium_result_all_m_1 NA ~59k ~110k ~81k 8+ yes
Urea in heparin (mmol/L) urea_result_all_m_1 UR ~59k - ~81k 8+
ALAT in heparin (U/L) alat_result_all_m_1 ALT ~59k - - 8+ yes
ASAT in heparin (U/L) asat_result_all_m_1 AST ~59k - - 8+ yes
Albumin in heparin (g/L) albumin_result_all_m_1 BALB ~59k - - 8+
Alkaline Phosphatase in heparin (U/L) alkphos_result_all_m_1 AF ~59k - - 8+ yes
Calcium in heparin (mmol/L) calcium_result_all_m_1 CA ~59k - - 8+ yes
Gamma-GT in heparin (U/L) gammagt_result_all_m_1 GGT ~59k - - 8+ yes
Phosphate in heparin (mmol/L) phosphate_result_all_m_1 FOS ~59k - - 8+
Uric acid in heparin (mmol/L) uricacid_result_all_m_1 UZ ~59k - - 8+
TSH in heparin (mU/L) tsh_result_all_m_1 TSHD ~41k - - 8+
Free T3 in heparin (pmol/L) t3free_result_all_m_1 FT3 ~41k - - 8+
Free T4 in heparin (pmol/L) t4free_result_all_m_1 FT4 ~41k - - 8+
CTD Screen (Ratio) ctdscreen_result_all_m_1 CTDS ~40k - - 18+
Anti-CCP (U/mL) anticcp_result_all_m_1 CCP ~40k - - 18+
Apolipo A1 in heparin (g/L) apolipoa1_result_all_m_2 HAL1 ~35k - - 8+
Apolipo B100 in heparin (g/L) apolipob100_result_all_m_2 HALB ~35k - - 8+
Apolipo A1 in serum (g/L) apolipoa1_result_all_m_1 ALPA ~8k - - 8+
Apolipo B100 in serum (g/L) apolipob100_result_all_m_1 ALPB ~8k - - 8+
hsCRP in serum (mg/L) hscrp_result_all_m_1 SCRP ~8k - - 8+
hsCRP in heparin (mg/L) hscrp_result_all_m_3 CRPH ~1k ~500 - 8+
hsCRP in heparin (mg/L) hscrp_result_all_m_2 LCRP ~49k - ~81k 8+
Magnesium in heparin (mmol/L) magnesium_result_all_m_1 MG - ~2k - 8+
Anti-dsDNA (U/L) antidsdna_result_all_m_1 DDNA ~1k - - 18+
SSA preg (U/mL) ssapreg_result_all_m_1 SSA ~1k - - 18+
Basophilic Granulocytes in blood cell count (%) basocount_result_all_m_1 BAS ~3k - - 8+
Eosinophilic Granulocytes in blood cell count (%) eosinocount_result_all_m_1 EOS ~3k - - 8+
Lymphocytes in blood cell count (%) lymphocount_result_all_m_1 LYM ~3k - - 8+
Mononuclear Cells in blood cell count (%) monocount_result_all_m_1 MON ~3k - - 8+
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blood_analyses.1712143046.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/03 13:17 by kevin