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Alcohol use

Quantitative assessment of alcohol intake was performed in adult participants using the Food Frequency Questionnaire.

Drinking behavior was assessed using the Eating behavior questionnaire in follow-up questionnaire 2B Lifetime alcoholism was assessed using the DSM-5 criteria. Lifelines also assessed drug use in adult participants.

The reasons for not drinking alcohol were assessed in a subcohort of participants in the context of an additional questionnaire, ACTQ

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
How many glasses of alcohol do you drink per week on average? Hoeveel glazen alcohol drinkt u gemiddeld per week? alcoholuse_amount_adu_q_1 OVERGANG20 MAWQ 40-67
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alcohol_use.1677077438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/22 15:50 by simone