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3A Questionnaire 2

Adult and elderly Lifelines participants participating in the third general assessment 3A receive two questionnaires, 3A Questionnaire 1 and 3A Questionnaire 2.
3A Q2 is followed by 3A Visit 2, within xx days (according to protocol).
3A Q2 is PRECEDED by 3A Questionnaire 1, within xx weeks (according to protocol).
3A Q2 is procedurally equivalent to 1A Questionnaire 2 and 2A Questionnaire 2.

The vast majority of participants will fill in a digital version of the questionnaire.

3A Q2 contains the following sections and subsections:


Diseases & symptoms

Lifestyle & Environment

Mental health


Physical State

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3a_questionnaire_2.1583500999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 14:23 by trynke