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Stress (LDI)

The Long-term Difficulties Inventory (LDI)1) is a self-report questionnaire to measure long-term difficulties. It consists of 12 items referring to aspects of life, including housing, work, social relationships, free time, finances, health, school/study, and religion.

Background and Validation

Respondents have to indicate for each aspect how they experienced these aspects with respect to difficulty and stress in the last 12 months, on a three-point scale:

Answer Score
Not stressful 0
Slightly stressful 1
Very stressful 2

Item scores are summed to derive a total score2).

Construct validity of the LDI was indicated by the positive association between the LDI scored (12 months) and:

  • Psychological distress
  • Mental health problems
  • Neurotiscism

The validation and the reliability of the LDI was performed in a study by Rosmalen et al.3)


The following variables from the LDI are collected in Lifelines. The same question is asked in relation to the above-mentioned aspects of the LDI, this question is:

English Dutch
To what extent did you experience difficulties and stress related to this aspect of your life? In welke mate hebt u afgelopen jaar moeilijkheden en stress ervaren met betrekking tot dit aspect van het leven?

The following aspects in combination with the questions are described below:

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Home and living (e.g. accommodation too small, could not find a home, noise) Woning en wonen (bv. te kleine behuizing, kon geen woning vinden, lawaai) GLLM1 1A 2B QACT 18+
At or with work (e.g. too demanding, conflicts with boss, (imminent) dismissal) Op en met het werk (bv. te veeleisend, conflicten met chef, (dreigend) ontslag) GLLM2 1A 2B QACT 18+
Relationship with friends or acquaintances (e.g. quarrels, lack of support) Relatie met vrienden of goede kennissen (bv. ruzies, te weinig steun) GLLM3 1A 2B QACT 18+
Relationship with your partner (e.g. jealousy, conflicts, doubt about the relationship, quarrels) Uw partnerrelatie (bv. jaloezie, conflicten, twijfel aan relatie, ruzies) GLLM4 1A 2B QACT 18+
Relationship with your children (e.g. frequent conflicts, lack of respect for you) Relatie met uw kinderen (bv. vaak conflicten, weinig respect voor u tonen) GLLM5 1A 2B QACT 18+
Relationship with your parents (e.g. frequent conflicts, lack of acceptance) Relatie met uw ouders (bv. regelmatig conflicten, gebrek aan acceptatie) GLLM6 1A 2B QACT 18+
Relationship with other relatives (e.g. conflicts, lack of acceptance) Relaties met andere familieleden (bv. conflicten, gebrek aan acceptatie) GLLM7 1A 2B QACT 18+
Free time (e.g. too little or too much free time) Vrije tijd (bv. te weinig, te veel vrije tijd) GLLM8 1A 2B QACT 18+
Finances (e.g. major debts, insufficient income) Financiën (bv. grote schulden, ontoereikend inkomen) GLLM9 1A 2B QACT 18+
Your health (e.g. regularly ill, longer-term disorders) Uw gezondheid (bv. regelmatig ziekelijk, langerdurende ziekten) GLLM10 QACT 18+
School/study (too difficult, cannot be combined with other tasks) School/studie (bv. te zwaar, niet te combineren met andere taken) GLLM11 QACT 18+
Faith, church or religion (e.g. doubt, conflicts with your minister) Geloof, kerk of godsdienst (bv. twijfel, conflicten met dominee) GLLM12 QACT 18+
Van Eck M, Berkhof H, Nicolson N, Sulon J (1996). The effects of perceived stress, traits, mood states, and stressful daily events on salivary cortisol. Psychosomatic Medicine 58, 447–458.
Hendriks A.A.J., Ormel J., van de Willige G. Long-term difficulties measured by a self-report questionnaire and semi-structured interview: a comparison of methods [in Dutch]. Gedrag en Gezondheid 1990 18, 273-283
Rosmalen J.G.M., Bos E.H., de Jonge P. Validation of the Long-term Difficulties Inventory (LDI) and the List of Threatening Experiences (LTE) as measures of stress in epidemiological population-based cohort studies. Psychological Medicine, Available on CJO 2012 doi: 10.1017/S0033291712000608
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stress_ldi.1561988099.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/07 16:08 (external edit)