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Social functioning (general)

Participants were asked the following questions about their social functioning.
Note that social functioning was also assessed using the SPF-IL and PROMIS instruments.
Some additional information regarding the social functioning of participants can be derived from their self-reported hobbies & activities.

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Have you had a hysterectomy? Baarmoeder verwijderd? FEM7A1 1A or 1A 18+
If you have had a hysterectomy, in what year? Baarmoeder verwijderd in jaar xxxx FEM7A2 1A or 1A 18+
Have you had one ovary removed? Eén eierstok verwijderd? FEM7B1 1A or 1A 18+
If you have had one ovary removed, in what year? Eierstok verwijderd in jaar xxxx FEM7B2 1A or 1A
Have you had two ovaries removed? Twee eierstokken verwijderd? FEM7C1 1A or 1A
If you have had two ovaries removed, in what year? Eierstokken verwijderd in jaar xxxx FEM7C2 1A or 1A
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social_functioning_general.1563355705.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/07 16:08 (external edit)