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Occupational eczema (NOSQ)

The Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ-2002) was designed to study work-related skin diseases (SD) and work exposures causing SD (section: diseases & symptoms). In Lifelines, the short version of the NOSQ was used (i.e. the 7 items focusing on SD rather than the more general demographic and occupational information).
Note that Lifelines also assessed skin conditions in general, as well as skin properties (QSKIN).


Skin diseases(SD) are quite common in western countries. According to “Huidpatiënten Nederland”, an organisation that looks in SD in the Netherlands and tries to help people with those diseases, more than 1 million people in the Netherlands suffer from SD. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) estimates this at 1,2 million people.
In a large review cobining data from 20 years and 15 different skin conditions, it was found that these 15 skin conditions combined are the fourth leading cause of non-fatal disease burden on a global level1)
SD are often related to work, due to exposure to allergens and irritants in the workplace. Chronic dermatosis affecting the hands is the most common, with hand eczema constituting 90%-95% of all occupational skin disease symptoms2). These conditions are mostly found in workers of jobs that involve manual labour, such as healthcare workers, hairdressers, car mechanics, and industrial workers like those working in food production, car manufacturing or those that work construction.

Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Have you ever had hand eczema Hebt u ooit handeczeem gehad? nosq_eczema_adu_q_01 NOSQ1 3A 18+
Have you ever had eczema on your wrists or forearms (excluding fronts of elbows)? Hebt u ooit eczeem op uw polsen of onderarmen gehad (behalve de binnenkant van uw elleboog?) nosq_eczema_adu_q_02 NOSQ2 3A 18+
Hand eczema / When did you last have eczema on your hands, wrists or forearms? Handeczeem / Wanneer hebt u voor het laatst eczeem aan uw handen of polsen/onderarmen gehad? nosq_period_adu_q_03_a NOSQ3A 3A 18+
In which year was the last time you had hand eczema? In welk jaar had u voor het laatst last van handeczeem? nosq_period_adu_q_03_a1 NOSQ3ATXT 3A 18+
Wrist/Forearm eczema / When did you last have eczema on your hands, wrists or forearms? Pols-/onderarmeczeem / Wanneer hebt u voor het laatst eczeem aan uw handen of polsen/onderarmen gehad? nosq_period_adu_q_03_b NOSQ3B 3A 18+
In which year was the last time you had wrist/forearm eczema? In welk jaar had u voor het laatst last van pols-/onderarmeczeem? nosq_period_adu_q_03_b1 NOSQ3BTXT 3A 18+
Hand eczema / When did you first have eczema on your hands, wrists or forearms? Handeczeem / Wanneer hebt u voor het eerst eczeem aan uw handen of polsen/onderarmen gehad? nosq_period_adu_q_03_c NOSQ3C 3A 18+
In which year was the first time you had hand eczema? In welk jaar begon de handeczeem? nosq_period_adu_q_03_c1 NOSQ3CTXT 3A 18+
Wrist/Forearm eczema / When did you first have eczema on your hands, wrists or forearms? Pols-/onderarmeczeem / Wanneer hebt u voor het eerst eczeem aan uw handen of polsen/onderarmen gehad? nosq_period_adu_q_03_d NOSQ3D 3A 18+
In which year was the first time you had wrist/forearm eczema? In welk jaar begon de pols-/onderarmeczeem? nosq_period_adu_q_03_d1 NOSQ3DTXT 3A 18+
Hand eczema / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else in your work makes your eczema worse? Handeczeem / Hebt u gemerkt dat contact met bepaalde materialen, chemicaliën of iets anders op uw werk uw eczeem verergert? nosq_workplace_adu_q_04_a NOSQ4A 3A 18+
What makes your hand eczema worse? / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else in your work makes your eczema worse? Wat maakt de handeczeem erger? nosq_workplace_adu_q_04_a1 NOSQ4ATXT 3A 18+
Wrist/Forearm eczema / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else in your work makes your eczema worse? Pols-/onderarmeczeem / hebt u gemerkt dat contact met bepaalde materialen, chemicaliën of iets anders op uw werk uw eczeem verergert? nosq_workplace_adu_q_04_b NOSQ4B 3A 18+
What makes your Wrist/Forearm eczema worse? / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else in your work makes your eczema worse? Wat maakt de pols-/onderarmeczeem erger? nosq_workplace_adu_q_04_b1 NOSQ4BTXT 3A 18+
Hand eczema / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else outside your work makes your eczema worse? Handeczeem / Hebt u gemerkt dat contact met bepaalde materialen, chemicaliën of iets anders buiten uw werk uw eczeem verergert? nosq_otherplaces_adu_q_05_a NOSQ5A 3A 18+
What makes your hand eczema worse? / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else outside your work makes your eczema worse? Wat maakt de handeczeem erger? nosq_otherplaces_adu_q_05_a1 NOSQ5ATXT 3A 18+
Wrist/Forearm eczema / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else outside your work makes your eczema worse? Pols-/onderarmeczeem / Hebt u gemerkt dat contact met bepaalde materialen, chemicaliën of iets anders buiten uw werk uw eczeem verergert? nosq_otherplaces_adu_q_05_b NOSQ5B 3A 18+
What makes your Wrist/Forearm eczema worse? / Have you noticed that contact with certain materials, chemicals or anything else outside your work makes your eczema worse? Wat maakt de pols-/onderarmeczeem erger? nosq_otherplaces_adu_q_05_b1 NOSQ5BTXT 3A 18+
Hand eczema / Does your eczema improve when you are away from your normal work (for example weekends or longer periods) Handeczeem / Verbetert uw eczeem wanneer u niet op uw normale werk bent (bijvoorbeeld in weekenden en vakantieperioden?) nosq_improvement_adu_q_06_a NOSQ6A 3A 18+
Wrist/forearm eczema / Does your eczema improve when you are away from your normal work (for example weekends or longer periods) Pols-/onderarmeczeem / Verbetert uw eczeem wanneer u niet op uw normale werk bent (bijvoorbeeld in weekenden en vakantieperioden?) nosq_improvement_adu_q_06_b NOSQ6B 3A 18+
Have you ever had an itchy rash that has been coming and going for at least 6 months, and at some time has affected skin creases? (by skin creases we mean folds of elbows, behind the knees, fronts of ankles, under buttocks, around the neck, ears, or eyes) Hebt u ooit jeukende uitslag gehad die gedurende 6 maanden steeds weer opnieuw opkwam en die soms de huidplooien aantastte? (Met huidplooien wordt bedoeld de plooien in de ellebogen, de knieholten, de voorkant van de enkels, onder de billen, en rond nek, oren of ogen?) nosq_rash_adu_q_07 NOSQ7 3A 18+
Hollestein, L.M. and Nijsten, T. (2014) An insight into the global burden of skin diseases. J Invest Dermatol 134(6):1499-1501
Susitaival P. et al. Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ‐2002): a new tool for surveying occupational skin diseases and exposure. Contact dermatitis 49(2): 70-76
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occupational_eczema_nosq.1603294374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/21 17:32 by trynke