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Faecal samples

Lifelines has collected a surplus of faecal samples over the course of DAG3 (2014-2016) in order to facilitate future study of the microbiome. These samples can be requested


It is well known that the gut microbiome plays a very important role in our health. As part of the Dutch Microbiome Project (for further reading, consult the pages on DAG1(DEEP), DAG2, and DAG3) thousands of faecal samples of Lifelines participants were collected and sequenced.
These generated terabytes of data that can be used to unravel the role of the microbiome in the occurence of chronic disease.

Stool collection

Stool collection was performed at home by the participants, using materials (such as precoded tubes and pipets) provided by Lifelines. Participants were instructed to the store these biosamples in their home freezer immediately after collection.

Sample processing

At the Lifelines laboratory all faeces jars and tubes were stored at -80 degrees Celsius as soon as possible.

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faecal_samples.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/14 09:49 by kevin