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EyeLife (EYEL)

EyeLife is one of Lifelines' additional assessments.
This assessment is a collaboration between Lifelines and the UMCG Department of Opthalmology department of gyneacology.
The goal of the assessment is to quantify male fertility in the general population using a questionnaire, semen analyses, and plasma testosterone measurements.


Vesper started in Q3 of 2019 and will run until 400 male participants have finalized the protocol.
Participants between 18-55 years old are invited:

  • to fill in a digital questionnaire about their family composition, family planning, and fertility
  • to visit the UMCG department of gyneacology for the donation of a blood sample and
  • to produce a fresh semen sample that will be analyzed the same morning.


Inclusion criteria were:

  • Male
  • 18-55 years old

Exclusion criteria were:

  • Being vasectomized
  • Working nightshifts
  • Survivor of childhood cancer


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eyel.1573746981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/14 16:56 by trynke