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Diabetes statistics

Numbers regarding the question: If you have diabetes, what type of diabetes do you have?. This question was asked during Baseline.

For the second screening participants were asks whether they developed the disease since the last questionnaire. The numbers under Second screening are therefore new cases.

Baseline Second screening
Age Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 Type 2
10-19 <10 - <10 -
20-29 40 <10 <10 <10
30-39 75 83 14 19
40-49 141 595 24 174
50-59 37 685 23 372
60-69 24 1162 <10 446
70-79 11 521 <10 314
80-89 - 53 - 50
90-99 - <10 - -
Total ~350 ~3000 ~100 ~1400
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diabetes_statistics.1582894156.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/28 13:49 by trynke