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Anthropometry was measured in all Lifelines participants aged 8 years and older that underwent 1A Visit 1 and 2A Visit 1. Height, weight, waist and hip circumference were measured (section: physical state).
Participants were also asked to self-report their height and weight.


  • Height: measured without shoes. Participant is requested to stand with their back agains the stadiometer, feet together, with the heels touching the wall, standing upright, and looking straight ahead. The horizontal headpiece is adjusted to rest on the head and height is recorded. In case the participant is not able to stand, arm span may be measured. Tip of one middlefinger to the other is measured.
  • Weight: measured without shoes, wearing light clothing with empty pockets (i.e. keys, mobile phone and wallet removed). Participant steps on standard weighing scale and weight is recorded.
  • Waist circumference: Participant is requested to stand upright, SECA 201 measurement tape is placed between lowest rib and the ilical crest around the bare stomach. Reading is at 0.5cm accurate.
  • Hip circumference: Participant is requested to stand upright, SECA 201 measurement tape is placed at the widest part of the buttocks. Reading is at 0.5cm accurate.


Variable Measurement Assessment Age
MEETSTAND The position in which participants were measured (sitting or standing) 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
GEWICHT Body weight in kg in standing participants 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
ZTGEWICHT Body weight in kg as measured in sitting participants 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
LENGTE Body length in cm in standing participants 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
SPANW Distance in cm between the tips of both middle fingers when arms are fully outstretched, to approach body length in sitting participants 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
HEUPOMV Hip circumference in cm 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
TAILLE Waist circumference in cm in standing participants 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
ZTTAILLE Waist Circumference in cm in sitting participants 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
BMI Body Mass Index in kg body weight per m-squared 1A Visit 1 2A Visit 1 8+
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anthropometry.1581498042.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/12 10:00 by trynke