Infectious diseases

Adult Lifelines participants were asked whether they (had ever) suffered from any infectious diseases (section: Diseases & symptoms), in the context of additional questionnaire COVQ (no. 11)

Questions English Questions Dutch [covtxx] Variable Assessment
Diphtheria / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Difterie / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_a COVID101A COVQ 11
Pertussis / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Kinkhoest / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_b COVID101B COVQ 11
Tetanus / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Tetanus / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_c COVID101C COVQ 11
Polio / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Polio / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_d COVID101D COVQ 11
Haemophilus influenza type B / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Haemophilus influenza type B / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_e COVID101E COVQ 11
Smallpox / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Pokken / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_f COVID101F COVQ 11
Pneumococcus / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Pneumokokken / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_g COVID101G COVQ 11
Rubella / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Rodehond / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_h COVID101H COVQ 11
Measles / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Mazelen / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_i COVID101I COVQ 11
Mumps / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Bof / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_j COVID101J COVQ 11
Meningococcal disease C / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Meningokokken C / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_k COVID101K COVQ 11
Chickenpox / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Waterpokken / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_l COVID101L COVQ 11
Herpes zoster / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Gordelroos / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_m COVID101M COVQ 11
Tuberculosis / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Tuberculose / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_n COVID101N COVQ 11
Scarlet fever / Could you indicate which (childhood) diseases you have had? Roodvonk / Kunt u aangeven welke van de onderstaande (kinder)ziektes u gehad hebt? diseases_adu_q_1_o COVID101O COVQ 11